Oh Goody Goody

They thought it was Rakim. Even morons know "It Takes Two" is an unstoppable dance starter.

Some are half vampire ninjas too.

So you've been to Turtle Island?

If we eat more turtle, will the good folks at Heinz cancel the switch to Kinja? If so, I'll start the slaughter promptly.

You set a low bar and exceeded it. Well done.

He was my favorite Argonaut.

He was my favorite Argonaut.

You ingest in with a roll of hundred dollar bills. It's called doing. a 'Melania'.

Mercury is more of a toxin, not a drug.

I still pretend Univision is a front for Spanish-speaking Cyclopes.

I still pretend Univision is a front for Spanish-speaking Cyclopes.

Are McCain's kids in town? They skew it a little.

Impy and Chimpy or GTFO!

What are they called Wokes? Hookies? Hokeys?

"Satan was a Kinja!!"

Because he's waving his hand in front of his face?

But you wrecked so many trains!

Betrayed by autocorrect.

Whew. Secretary really piqued my interest in office work.

What if NBC said yes but Tim Kring would be the new show runner?