Oh Goody Goody

Are you Maggie Gyllenhaal too?

You mean the wrestler John Cena? Pass.

A pox on you, you monster!

Hawaii Sappho.

It was an abandoned collaboration between Yaz and Queen in 1983.


I dunno, Josh Gad as Wrestling Elvis looks dangerous.

It's increasingly clear to me what Game of Thrones needs is Jean Ralphio.

Maura is perfect, her family is ghastly and self-destructive.

🎼 A mile and a half on a bus takes a long time.

That not vomit, it's Irn-Bru.

I'm not sure I should. It would a short story.

He'd forget the mic was hot and get into the shower.

Didn't we pair the Legion of Doom to the Trump admin?

Alderaan destroyed itself in a false flag operation. Those were "crisis Jawas" on Tatooine!! Geroge Soros is paying Ben Kenobi to run a droid sex dungeon under the cantina in Mos Eisley!!! Buy my super manly bacta fluid made with genuine Wookiee endocrine glands!!!!!!

He plays the Santa Ana Wind's handsome but shiftless older brother Inversion Layer.

¿¡El Diablo Robótico?!

Shut your damn mouth, you monster.

The Blues Brothers? They're far from reliable.

Who will tell the Indigo Girls?!