Oh Goody Goody

The Trump administration is going through staffers like Night Court went through bailiffs.

When you have to drive an hour to another place that sells loose-leaf tea, Teavana was just fine. Their newer tea infusers that you could disassemble for cleaning were nice as well. As for upselling - no thanks, English Breakfast is just find - all I ever had to do was say no once and they let it go.

Reese's Pieces in E.T.


It's as if it was clickbait! Oh my!

I'm going to pretend her last role was as Natalia Veselnitskaya in 2016, as her voice as Natasha is the one I hear in my imagination when I think about t.

You truly are the King of Kings, Ivor.

Better than Diet Mona Lisa Coladrive.

Coke Zero was my fifth favorite William Gibson novel.

You truly are the King of Kings, Ivor.

"On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight."

It's like Robert Bloch and Thomas Ligotti collaborated.

I was always disappointed they didn't have Garth Knights even more evil younger brother Zarth Knight show up with his autonomous motorcycle KATT.

The opportunity to perform cunnilignus? His loss.

"[T]he Grand Old Party spoke to the insensitive among them by moulding their dreams; for only thus could Their language reach the minds of fleshy mammals." - the Call of Cthulhu

🎼 The BS that you passed off as fact left me filled
With trepidation when you’re done
Anxious dread of what's to come

You wound me, sir or madam.

At one point I considered reviewing gadgets on Amazon as if I was Thundarr.

🎼I've seen the Spicer and the damage done…
Lying repeatedly to every one…
Just like the Donald and his crooked son…

Demon Dogs!