Oh Goody Goody

You're already living in the Thundarr world. The big reveal is Trump has been Gemini this whole time.

What happened to the master carver Heironymo Napoli?!

So Princess Pony Head is… uh… Langly?

The Sourh shall rise again, but not on screen.

If we're spitballing dream alternate history shows, I'll make a wish for a series based on Jack Womack's DryCo book series.

Maybe they could just do Fire On the Mountain as a limited series instead?

There's a reason you're not Ovipositorachu or Cloacachu.

The casting director said "Get me Michael Caine!" and their assisant got them a speedball.

Coming this fall on CBS - Bunches of Funches! Chubby blue-collar Ron (Ron Funches) and his no-nonsense wife Rochelle (Michelle Buteau), along with their six kids unexpectedly inherit a failing winery in the Napa Valley.

"Bud" Melman.

I thought the Klepper slot was by the cloaca, where mudskippers and similar fish spray their milt onto a fertile female.

According to Sir Mix-a-Lot, magazines such and Vogue have espoused the so-called "flat butt".

Feat. Mitt Romney

My stomach sank when I realized those Sisqo computer components I've been using might not be legit.

In his dreams he's dressed as a giant box of Wheaties.

Like that first creep you saw with a vape pen?

Here I guess? That was shockingly dark for DisneyXD

Akton got really right-wing and weird after he died.

I don't care what you smell, get in there!

Wet, Hot, Corellian Solo?