Oh Goody Goody

I'm assuming there's an unpublished "Wookiee teaches a young writer the way of Pleasure" manuscript pending self-publishing on Amazon at this very moment.

In an ironic twist, William Shatner complained repeatedly to the crew throughout the flight about being seated next to Coulter, eventually growing hysterical due to her tearing at the wing and gnawing on the wiring.

Don't forget Cronenberg! He's 74.

I'd be happy to watch a show about a time traveling alien disintegrating various historical assholes, sexists, and bigots.

Scott Pilgrim II: Its Pilgrimier!

But their bacon is so delicious!

Some spiders are apparently really racist?

Who was it? Warren? Rev. Sun Myung? Keith??

'Tis better to light a Gauloises and curse the darkness than just curse the darkness.

Mercury Rising?

Is that French Mountain Dew?

Sure, blame the jazz fusion wizards!

All the turkey and bacon we found on the floor, plus green tomatoes, a dusting of lettuce and a quart of mayonnaise. Eat Fresh!

Thomas the Tank Engine.

That this film was remade with Joey King's older sister Hunter?

It would have more succubi and nereids.

Joey King is a minor, so yes, a wish is definitely preferable to a body part.

It does when it's short for Accurate Arithmetic.

Wish Upon: Make Like Astaire and Dance Away!

🎼Step One: Cut a hole in a box