Oh Goody Goody


We're sorry for your loss, Teller.

The movie, or the planet?

Don't they kiss at some point?

They tried with Eric first but he just ended up ordering the winery to buy 20,000 bottles of Russian dressing and not really remembering why.

Sorry, I was busy learning how to implement Sharia law at the secret room beneath the local pizza parlor, then I had to stuff kids into that Mars rocket, AND then I had to find some vets who I pointedly did not thank for their service.

🎼I kissed a squirrel and I liked it
Cheep cheep chik chik cha-chik chik!

Chang'e 5 was placed into lunar orbit in 2014; Chang'e 3 landed on the lunar surface earlier that year.

We need old Jim Anchower back to rap at them.

But with Cameron's wisecracking ghost in tow!

Nope, Google reverse image search tells me it's the distended buttocks of a great ape of some kind.

The tactical cunning of Ho Chi Minh is proven once again.

Fey gnus were part of the homosexual agenda, if memory serves me.

On the other hand, the Viet Cong were driven out of Oklahoma…

You keep your account private, so I'll have to ask you here, which zoo was your profile picture taken at? It's a little blurry but I think it's a troop of baboons. I see some red which usually is the rump being presented for mating. Hard to tell on a phone though.

Better than drowning his sorrows in bottle after bottle of Natty Ice while reading The Leatherstocking Tales.

Freeman -> Free Mason (OS)
Hendrix + Earhart = I Anthrax Herder

Which one is writing a long-winded essay about how awesome Ronald Reagan was and how kids today don't understand sacrifice?

There are no wrong answers, except Knives as a minor.

It worked on James Coco!