
We should give them one for complicity.

Sadly, it started even earlier, when Lorne Michaels legitimized Darth Cheeto by inviting him to host SNL only a few months after he was thrown off of NBC for being a racist, sexist pig. Am I the only one who remembers this?

If this happened before he made a “Death to Jews” joke, if it happened before all his Nazi jokes, if it happened before his twitter relationship with Alt-Right trolls like Lauren Southern (who gives us Canadians a bad name), if it happened before his jokes about Charlottesville, if it happened before his

Well you didn’t raise your daughters under a rock, so that makes sense.

How is this uninformed fascist douche out of the greys?

This is one of the best statements I’ve seen from a celebrity. Reading “I believe you” is so, so powerful.