While I was getting in the car to go to my little sister’s funeral...
While I was getting in the car to go to my little sister’s funeral...
my great grandmother said “I never realized how attractive fat people’s faces could be until you.”
“I don’t know what you would have done if we hadn’t adopted you- you wouldn’t make a very good prostitute”. (Adopted as a child from a communist country. It was a true statment, but vulgar coming from a parent. Emancipated shortly there after).
Me, too. The only thing my mom ever said about my looks (god knows she felt free to criticize every-fucking-other-thing in my life), was that I was “attractive, but not pretty”. Looks were not emphasized in my family, grades, jobs, and salaries were.
My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.
Dad when I was 15: “You could stand to lose a few...” I was around 135 then...and I’m 5’7”.
I starred this, but not because I approve of your mom’s behavior.
My mom is an incredible woman but suffers from alcoholism. Sometimes she is a very mean drunk and during those times she has said the most cruel things about my appearance- seizing on my insecurities I had shared with her and throwing them back in my face. But the worst was when she sarcastically said my rape was hard…
“You are the fattest person I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting.” -Mom