I really enjoyed the book too, but I didn’t relate to it. I have the opposite issue: too few real options. I feel like if you’re a straight woman who won’t date a sexist, it’s pretty slim pickins. No?
I really enjoyed the book too, but I didn’t relate to it. I have the opposite issue: too few real options. I feel like if you’re a straight woman who won’t date a sexist, it’s pretty slim pickins. No?
I totally support the FDA here. GTFO with adding imaginary ingredients to official labeling, even if you’re just trying to be cute.
DON’T FORGET ALL THE PINK! If it’s not PINK, it’s not real cancer.
Ah, October. The month we are bombarded with expert opinions on breast cancer from people who are not oncologists.
Lovely writing, sage advice. I heart B. Yaga!
The film worked because there was resolution; if the three leads are perpetually just scheming against their ex-husbands, after several episodes they’ll seem obsessed rather than focused. So that’s why I have some trouble with the series concept. Then there’s casting - pretty tricky stuff when the film is so beloved.…
My dad just made a Nero comparison.
Seriously....like, that has no place in the answer to the readers question. That and the last answer makes me think Jane was not having the best day when this article was written.
BUT I LIKE TEXT POSTS *stomps out of room*
The hottest royal and seems to love children. I think I started ovulating and I’m a guy.
Good, another excuse for me to tell people to watch The Keepers on Netflix!! Watch it! Watch it now!!
“Any murder’s horrific. It doesn’t matter whether you’re wearing a clown costume or not,”
“I’m sitting here with Jeffrey Dahmer, who, you might remember, murdered and ate numerous people. Now, Jeff, do you ever have days where you just want to put on some fuzzy slippers, eat a pint of Früsen Gladgė, and watch old reruns of Let’s Make A Deal? Because when I get the Blahs, that’s what I do. What do you do to…
Yes there is the Presidential Records Act of 1978.
Isn’t that illegal now that he’s (you know the word, I just can’t use it in reference to him)? Something about erasing Presidential Records?
Everyone’s real thought: Maybe they’re getting divorced.
Come on dude, the article explicitly qualifies that there’s a huge selection bias that explains that.