
I have a theory that Michael Scott in “The Office” is actually a genius. Everything he does that’s awkward or stupid is an act he puts on to entertain himself from the boredom of office life. Whenever he is shown alone, away from any co-workers, he is a somber and contemplative man. I have multiple examples to prove

“There’s no evidence any hacking took place. Unauthorized use of an account is not, on its own, hacking.”

This is the most pedantic bullshit I've seen in a long time.

Entering someone else's home, even if the door is unlocked, is still breaking and entering.

Its cool. You’re wrong. It happens to us all.

“Unauthorized use of an account” is hacking - explain how it wouldn’t be.

The site that repeatedly refers to image macros as “memes” is suddenly getting strict about word meanings?

Come on now, for years now hacked has included exactly that, unauthorized access to an account. Not Angela Jolie cracking your password from Bern. The distinction is meaningless.

Unauthorized access to an account is the very definition of hacking.

I think unauthorized use of a system is still hacking of sorts.

Between this and Hannah’s joint bachelor/bachelorette column, I’m rooting harder for Hogan to win than I did during Wrestlemania III.

This just in: the result of the matches are decided around a table.

He is most def a HOF player in my eyes. At his position, he was one of the best of his era, truly legit both ways, and has two NBA titles and one Finals MVP award. Add in all the AS/All NBA teams, he should clearly be in. After Kobe, D Wade is the best two guard of his era (2003-now). Curry is poised to overtake the

Refusing to do promotion is a pretty big deal.

Stupid question , but if Eli gets his 3rd would you make a new screen name or could you update this one?

who gives a shit