Oh, Dottie!

Oh fucking bullshit. Ron Paul has the shittiest posture I've ever seen and because of that his jackets never fit him properly. (They look boxy and too big because he slouches.) That man ran for president I don't know how many times and was a zillion term Congressman with a 70%+ re-election rate.

And that advisor too?

And noone is going to buy the cow if you give away the milk for free.

Jan, ask Rebecca here how many times her at Jezzy ive professed my eternal

I can see your dirty pillows.

Look at those dashes. Look at those capitalized words. YOU GUYS. Emily Dickinson wrote this letter! And I'm sure she had her reasons.


LOL at the toy soldier who goes back for his friend and then decides, "he's too far gone," and then keeps marching.

A hundred and seventy three AMERICAN pennies to the first person to get a picture with Rocker wearing an "¡Habla Inglés!" shirt in the same faux Celtic script font as his "Speak English" shirt.

10 winners, 12 cans. 1 a piece, 2 for John. Seems legit.

I once goaded John Rocker into threatening to kill me. Easily the highlight of my short time on twitter:

The bigger question is whether an MRA outbreak will end Stephen A. Smith's career.

So if he wasn't trying to say or even imply that women can provoke domestic violence, maybe he should just be fired for being terrible at communicating, since using words to communicate effectively is his only job.

Immediately afterwards, Dan Snyder came in and polled them on whether or not they thought The Washington Redskins name was inappropriate.

You and all your important shit.

If you enjoy First Take I dont expect you to see the point on anything.

"Bayless and Smith are such great orators that it is actually entertaining just watching them, no matter what they are saying. "