Doncha Know

I think you can I appreciate photos like this for what they do, but also realize that if the ball stops there, we haven’t gotten far enough, which I think is the point of the article. These photos normalize (maybe glamorize) the visual of a woman nursing a child. That is important in a society that sees breasts as

Having been shamed for nursing in public I’m all for this. If nothing else having it everywhere, even unrealistically glamorized, makes jerks uncomfortable. Which makes me happy.

My first reaction to this was, what a lovely moment for mothers everywhere. I don’t think she was trying to glamorize her child as an accessory - do you really believe that was what this moment was about for her? Yes it made headlines, the kind headlines I like to see more of. I’m sort of astounded at Jezebel’s

Have you ever breastfed a baby? If not, shut up. You don’t get an opinion on it. We can use all of the “normalization”. The good, the bad, the uncomfortable. It is shameful that in this country a mother has to think and overthink how she can feed her child without offending other people. A mother has to endure being

Ok so Australian senator breastfeeds while doing her job and everyone is supportive and overall YES! But model breastfeeds while also doing her job and it’s bad, PR stunt/meaningless activism? Both women are attempting to live and feed their kid. Why is one ok and the other not ok? And I understand your comment, “not

Meh. I’m still for it. I think it’s overall still helping to normalize bf, even though glamourized breastfeeding is still hilarious to me.

I am sure this will get flack - but - 

I don’t know - positioning BFing as “beautiful and attractive” still means you’re normalizing it. Those two are not mutually exclusive. And sure, Gisele doing it while being waited on hand and foot is unrealistic, but so are most things in fashion magazines. We don’t watch runway shows and say “oh boy I can’t wait to

doesn’t mean we cant say it again and again

That’s because Putin’s got him by the balls and he knows it.

For someone who is so obsessed with strength and weakness, Trump doesn’t seem to care or know how weak he looked and sounded next to Putin today. Trump is supposed to be such a savvy manipulator of his image and “brand” but is completely inept at even projecting the slightest bit of strength in this relationship. So

I know it’s been said already but trump is such a staggering idiot. I mean  just unbelievably incredibly, astoundingly dumb.

Trump has such a hard-on for Putin it’s fucking embarrassing

GOD Olivia Colman is: BUSY and I am: HERE FOR IT.

I had an idea like that:

I mean, if you think the various ways he played along with this hashtag saga—that the anon woman was clearly not on board with—was an incredibly mindful attempt to steer curiosity away from that woman then I don’t know what to tell you. We’re just gonna have to be at odds!

You’re entitled to your opinion.

Nah, they’re criticizing Holden in those aforementioned articles as well.

I disagree. There’s an implied wink and nudge that goes along with “a gentleman never tells.”

There have already been countless articles about Rosey Blair and her loose understanding of privacy, ethics, and basic respect for boundaries. This didn’t need to be another one. I don’t think I failed to hold Blair accountable. Instead, I was attempting to talk about an angle of this ordeal that many other pieces