Depends on what you get, but some of them really really do.
Depends on what you get, but some of them really really do.
Both. It’s cleared up what I had, stopped most new acne from coming in (except for some hormonal stuff) and healing old spots.
I was and nothing was happening. Still nothing. Ughhh.
You are just talking straight nonsense right now.
They had an open relationship. One of them mentioned it last year when someone made the same accusation of cheating.
Ughhhhh, I have dealt with this too. I like it a little rough. Nothing crazy, but I like be spanked, and I’ve had a few dudes make suggestions (or flat our saying it behind my back) to me having “daddy issues.” First off, nothing could be further from the truth. Second, it implied that they were taking advantage of…
She’s really not that interesting. And I’m not saying this as anyone who cares about her one way or another, she’s pretty middle of the road.
Usually, the part of the biopic/memoir that gets to her age is the end of the first act.
I’ve seen her do this bit in person and it’s amazing. She points to the ladies in the audience and is like “we’ve all been graped, right ladies?” and you just hear every woman in the room like “yyyyyyup.” And then she let’s it sit for a second and says something to the dudes. I don’t remember what exactly she said,…
You spent quite a bit of time and effort on that “burn.” Moreso than I imagine it would take to just post some links to support your bullshit.
Ordered. Will do!
Are these the eye-patches you’re talking about?
Yeah now after they had us plucking our eyebrows to shit for a decade, now I gotta grow em back in? Make up your mind, fashion.
gaahhhh I knew that was a Mindy Tucker right away. Awesome.
Hey! I know this article is about amazing drag queen fashion and all the hard work they put into the details to make an entire ensemble, but I have an idea! Let’s make it really hard to see the whole outfit.
Why thank you. I know it’s really easy to jump on the hate-bandwagon with famous people and I try to be fair, but it’s really hard when you know something personal about a person and it’s not pretty.
Any time and I totally hear you. After watching him do 15 really mediocre minutes about spaghetti to an audience that was clearly confused and bored, I too am surprised at his level of success.
Well, since I already covered the fact that he used to be nice, I think it’s safe to say my assessment is fair, and I left other the other two horrible interactions I had with him. And I can’t help but notice you’re ignoring the part where he frequently harasses women online. Does that need to be taken with a grain of…