Doncha Know

She’s really, truly great. Thank you, I am grateful thick brows are in fashion because I cant handle plucking more than the middle part.

Hire a fire-breathing Marxist and then I’ll believe you have a commitment to “ideological diversity” until then you can take your neo-maxi-zoom-dweebies and shove them up your ass.

12 years will change a person.

I wish someone would call me a mercenary, that sounds tough as hell.

She’s French, though. Horrible misogyny is par for the course.

I’m inclined to believe Asia. Breillat’s films are full of horrifying misogyny, although I’m sure someone will come along to explain why I’m not deep and French enough to understand why they’re actually feminist masterpieces. I don’t know how anyone could watch, say, “Anatomy of Hell” and not think its creator might

While it seems helpful to educate young women, whether someone is worldly at 25 or even 30 entirely depends on how they were raised and what other experiences they’ve had. When I was younger, I was in a field where it was entirely normal to have job interviews in hotel rooms (and not necessarily suites), and nothing

Oh God, stop. At some point it’s a matter of integrity. For the hypothetical people you mention “presenting themselves as bimbos” was not a requirement; it merely made things easier, more straightforward. You choose how to live your life. I’m sorry, but you can’t call everything “victim blaming” without also

But not you! You see through the veil and you are enlightened!

Sadly, for many women, presenting themselves as bimbos has been a requirement to work in the industry. This is part of a larger picture of exploitation. Don’t blame the victims here.

I don’t know if you’re new to this website or what, but “balanced perspective” and “Hamilton Nolan” are what we like to call mutually exclusive.

Have you ever read this “writer” before? He hates anyone who is successful and/or makes money. This is his tired old schtick.

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

Counterpoint: (the band) Tesla sucks.

Counterpoint: Any billionaire who wears a shirt with the 80’s metal glam band Tesla on it is fucking awesome.

Here is his gorgeous reply to her apology;

I just have a suspicious hunch that down deep, Laura Ingraham is not really sorry.

The complete list of times when it’s appropriate for a white person to use the N-Word:

Why do white people want to say that word so bad? I’m black, and when I hear my friends from other cultures refer to each other as [insert racial slur of choice here] I have never thought to myself, “Oh, well they said it so I guess I’ll just go around saying it now then”.

...so I see what you’re saying but can I say the N-word if-