Doncha Know

The dude is full 0f shit. Alice MADE Crystal Castles, ask anybody who ever saw them live. And he’s mad as hell these days I’m sure because no one gives a shit about CC now with the Alice wannabe he tried to replace her with. That poor girl is probably being mentally twisted up by him as we speak.

Also, not that it really matters, but the only song of theirs I’ve ever heard of features her prominently, and her singing is the only part of that song I liked.

Typical abuser crap. 

The momentum that’s been created recently by the many courageous women who have opened up about their own stories has inspired me to finally be more direct, at whatever cost.

...in which he wrote that Glass’s new project “should be rewarding for her considering she didn’t appear on Crystal Castles’ best known songs.”

When Kath released a new song “Frail” in 2015 under the Crystal Castles moniker he included a statement in which he wrote that Glass’s new project “should be rewarding for her considering she didn’t appear on Crystal Castles’ best known songs.”

So this is basically the year that all the shitty abusive men get outed finally?

He was real beautiful, it’s true.

It’s like those horrible Sandy Hook truthers. No matter what evidence they get to see, they just declare everything fake. Don’t these weirdos have anything better to do than harass grieving family members?

Yeah, the whole heroin addict-rock star thing works out fine for their audiences, not so much for their kids. I imagine she had to do a lot of work to come to grips with his “legendary awesomeness” vs. her childhood’s reality. I say this as a huge Nirvana fan and as an addiction therapist.


They could release a video of Kurt Cobain killing himself and this dipshit would find some way to twist it as a cover up or false video or some other fanatical conspiracy-theory bullshit.

I think she does - but I also think its probably hard to think he was also a drug addict and committed suicide. I mean his awesomeness was driven by a much darker side sadly.

Now playing

Oh FFS, Kurt had bad drug issues and mental issues. He killed himself. It’s not enough these women lost a husband and a father, now they have to deal with this conspiracy theorist nutjob?

Unless this Lee stalker guy has expertise in forensics or criminology, he has no need and no right to see those photos. And I’d like to think the medical examiners office in Seattle did its job properly.

Yeah I think shes really a beautiful mix of both. She’s gorgeous.

What a lovely photo of the two of them.

Christ, people, leave that poor family alone. They’ve had more than enough of your psycho batshit for the past 20 years.

I went through the EXACT same line of thinking. “Wow for once this advice isn’t terrible.”

I have a message for Veteran: I promise, I swear, I know from life experience, you are NOT the only one. I’m older than you and found that your experience with dating is not uncommon among men and women. And I have very similar issues with my parent that continue to have a negative impact on me. But as a woman, I can