
I also think this is just a serious group of queens. Sasha at least, that's clearly just who she is. I think Shea's pretty close there too.

I'm glad people are treating it like the silly Secret Life of the American Teenager/Degrassi-type camp artifact it should be and not edgy and deep Good TV

I watched 4 or 5 episodes so far, it only gets worse when she's bonding with Alex and Jessica. The dialogue is like Diablo Cody if Diablo Cody wasn't funny and was twenty years older (sue me, I actually kinda like Diablo Cody).

The main movie I ever thought was an "anti-anything" film was Fires on the Plain. I don't think many people would walk out of that thinking they want to be a starving flea-bitten shoeless coward with tuberculosis.

That's a really disappointing absence because yeah, we actually have the concept of "white genocide" and other forms of modern white supremacy as a dangerously-adjacent-to-mainstream politics.

It was fun as hell. Double featured it with 50 Shades and it easily won. The titular Boy also did crazy/hot way better than Jamie Dornan

It had a strong student film vibe to me (Samantha being a would-be director, some sloppy cinematography, a bit on the nose in places), but they were pretty forgivable sins considering that the director was so green. So I believe this is better and I'm looking forward to it, but yeah the movie was way better than it's

Even further the screenshot quality is awful, I don't know if that's even 240p. Even if the film shots had beauty that wouldn't be the best way to show it.

Man, their choices for Get Out were mediocre. There's actually a lot of aesthetic beauty in that movie and they just showed really basic shots of things you'd expect being centered and in focus.

I liked Reignites the Rivalry and Cereal Defense too. Squashes their Beefs and Ass Kickers United are the only ones that really strike me as pointedly weak, and while Dee Gives Birth is probably a very special episode for McElhenney and Olson, I don't think it works that well as self-contained TV, i.e. if you don't

And Camp! Remember Camp? Man, that probably seems really dated already.

Utterly overlooked even by the A.V. Club and other defenders of the art house is of my year-end faves, The Love Witch. Way way too genre to ever get mainstream attention but a visually immaculate, funny, and surprisingly powerful fable about gender and love and justice. Better in my book than Elle, and I liked Elle a

I'm more annoyed with him when we agree 100%, because it's usually obvious whenever he's probed even slightly that he hasn't actually put that much thought into his positions. It wouldn't be an issue that he wants to tee off against right-wing dickheads if he weren't such a flimsy opponent.

Oh, that just reminded me of another uber-romantic recent film — The Handmaiden. Great movie, very sexy and just straight-up charming couple.

Yeah, I think the crux of it, which Buzzfeed pretty much gets, is that what Nate Parker did was just completely fucking horrific on a whole other level from Affleck's offenses. That's not to minimize the serious issue of sexual harassment, but Parker arranged a gang rape of his girlfriend and then harassed her until

This wasn't great art when it came out and it's certainly not great art now, but when I think "Bush-era satire" I think American Dreamz. It is so of its time with its weird and offputting juxtaposition of anti terrorism hysteria and reality TV, and it gets at something really haunting and ugly about that era's media

I really don't like the show at all but I still enjoy watching it just to marvel at its existence. Especially this season. A belated third season that would really only work for Todd Margaret superfans? Why would anyone let that happen?

It's so hard to make fun of because I tried to think of something stupider and literally couldn't. Soho makes more sense as a last name. Maybe Marcy Triborougharea?

Honestly Starburns's history with Moral Orel is one of the reasons I'm so excited for this. If there's one guy who knows what I like when it comes to sad puppet people, it's him.

I really loved Her Story. Of all of the contentious "is it a game???" indies, it's easily my favorite. Viva Seifert really deserves to get some acting work off of that. I love classic puzzlers, I love Phoenix Wright, but yeah, Her Story was an entirely different kind of crime-solving experience.