
It’s not. I wasted a bunch of time yesterday with my internet slowed to a crawl while the demo downloaded only to confirm it’s just for people in EA Access and who Pre-Ordered already. Dumb in-game message told me to go pre-order to try out the demo and I just thought, “No, that’s not how that works. If I tried the

Guessing that “bonus skin” is something they were going to sell for £4-5 at launch...

So we’re supposed to believe that the government is capable of coordinating complex conspiracies, like running a sex ring and planting pipe bombs, but that an individual man can’t paint his sock to make it look like blood?

I got a royal flush in blackjack once. I was pretty excited until the dealer told me I busted, like, 3 cards ago.

They are hitting the interest buttons... but I'm still burned by Andromeda and how they fucked that series over.

I really want Anthem to be great but part of me can’t shake the feeling that it’s going to be a massive trainwreck.

Please do. It’s the best chance of seeing Dragon Age 4.  Sigh.

I’m sure there’s some asshole out there who falls outside of both.

(double penetration, for those who are worried about looking it up at work)

I find it more hilarious that it was projected on to a wall for 20 minutes. I need to know why. Did they wait until everyone in attendance had finished?

Sounds like a typical Saturday night.

I for one am very excited for the Pawg Pound. 

For Christmas my sister and her husband got their kids a Switch. Knowing this I bought Mario Kart for them figuring that’s something they know from having played it on the Wii. My brother-in-law made the mistake of buying Smash Bros for them. I was big in to Smash but skipped the WiiU entirely because I couldn’t

It looks great. Shame so many of the “gameplay” vids they’ve let people post are played by people who clearly aren’t great at games.

That’s cool, I guess…

This is way too accurate. Also, I was unreasonably annoyed when 4 showed up on PS3 and PS4 with no Platinum trophy on either console.

Everytime someone asks why Bootsy Collins loses windshield wiper off his sunglasses

“The plot development occurs at the end of the second chapter of a three-part paid expansion and constitutes a spoiler for those who haven’t played the game.”

Except these characters are “ancestors”, which implies they had coitus with opposite sex. So not exclusively gay, no.

Six months from now NEWGAWKER will announce its latest hire: executive editor and community manager Tomatoface. The bastard will have finally done it.