Oh Comely

Dude, I know you want attention. I get it. But provocative comments in an article about a guy who was just murdered probably isn't the classiest way to go about it, y'know.

Ah okay, so basically using it as a games-facebook? Pretty cool way of going about things, and if a lot of people are doing this then all the recent Steam profile stuff kinda makes sense.

Out of interest, why is closing Steam not an option?

Longest comment thread is people getting prissy about an innocuous offhand joke.

On-screen analog sticks, here we come.

This franchise is getting ridiculously huge, considering it's just a silly little game.

This is crazy. Awesome. But crazy.

So what you're saying is... Blizzard are pretty much a modern day, game-developing Shakespeare?

Two currencies?

-Squenix dies

There's something weird about a court being able to deny a divorce.

Pee King has been around for ages, guys.

Don't worry. It plays games too.

"I imagine by 'fee' they mean 'the price of the game'."

Looks like Monaco beat them to the catchy tagline punch.

the new account would also own the game and could play it without the disc.

I have to say, it looks very pretty.

You drove a vehicle off a cliff in a video game?

I have £20 (roughly $25) to spend. What do I buy? Considering Battlefield 3 Premium Edition, but I could get multiple other games and I'm not sure BF3 will run all that well on my computer.

Take-Two's 2011 E3 Sony press conference announcement of BioShock Vita hasn't been in development? But I've been looking forward to that announcement!