You are so on point. I'm shocked and frankly appalled that the babysitter's poor car seat etiquette wasn't the focus of this article.
You are so on point. I'm shocked and frankly appalled that the babysitter's poor car seat etiquette wasn't the focus of this article.
No UK tour announced! Foul, the hipsters cry!
Eh, it's Kotaku. You get used to it.
I and a ton of other people loved Battlefield 3, so I'm totally looking forward to Battlefield: Star Wars.
Money shot's at 2:12.
These copyright owners are no better than patent squatters.
I find it kind of weird that there have been a ton of articles lamenting the sexualization of women in games, then there's this one which complains when it gets taken out. Make up your minds!
I've heard of this crazy rewinding lag-defeating thing before, but I can't quite understand it. Could someone explain it in terms an idiot (me) could understands?
I'd hope I wouldn't change too much, because I think people place way too much importance in physical appearance. It's kind of weird that it's socially acceptable to praise one subset of genetic traits but not others.
The article is saying that, per week, they probably drank a lot more coffee than is shown in each episode, as you only get to see half an hour of each week.
How is it in any way insulting? Who is being insulted and how? Why are you trying so hard to be outraged?
Literally badass? I've never played Borderlands, but now I'm intrigued.
Is there some fancy way of expanding images? Because I've been clicking on that cat for ages and the anticipation is KILLING me.
I feel like every third Jezebel article is about how certain demographics suck.
Is Destiny a launch game as well? Because Destiny is looking pretty damn awesome.
Kisses & Sores
Y'know what, if there was one of these near me I might finally start getting some exercise.
Beaches & Shores
Sounds like an inverted version of the UK show Take Me Out. I just wish someone would take them up on that.
A large factor is probably just the sheer population. With over a billion people, SOMEONE is going to do this (and be picked up by media).