Oh Comely

What difference does that make? All attractive traits are defined by culture. I'm sure you find well-toned, symmetrical-faced, funny men (assuming you're a straight female) more attractive than overweight, ugly (by our standards), overly serious men, because that's what's commonly considered attractive in our culture.

Wait, wait, hold the phone. So despite my white skin suit, I can still be black?

It is a thing. The author of this article read a book and now thinks she's an authority.

"Too ethnic" is totally the wrong way to say it (especially to her sister), but there's no problem with people finding certain racial traits unattractive.

Wait, wait, hold the phone. So despite my white skin suit, I can be black if I want to be?

Now this is what I was after. Thanks a lot! Definitely gonna be kindlin' most of these, I've only read books by like three of the authors listed.

This tends to be a common theme on this website, but I really don't get the outrage. I liked the obit, too. She seems to have been an awesome woman.

Haha, it's bad, right? And funny you should mention that, I started learning Japanese a few months ago. I have a list of books and manga I'm going to read once I'm proficient enough, so I'll add it to the list. Thank again!

Well I've read Frankenstein and found it a bit... meh, despite the obviously strong concept. It was her first novel though. Does her writing improve / change in later novels or will they still not be for me?

Yeah, I've read most of those. Only ones I haven't are the last three. I'll look 'em up! Also, perhaps I should clarify; the authors listed are ones I enjoy. I'd like to read other stuff in kinda the same vein. My wording was probably wrong.

Serious question: what are some great, "classic" novels written by women? I mean stuff on a par with Fitzgerald, James Joyce, Philip K. Dick, et al.

That's what I thought at first, but, "of those spoken lines". Perhaps just badly phrased?

Out of over 10,000 lines, 32% of those spoken lines are from Booker and Elizabeth.

I sure did!

INDEED. These... plebs, and their disgusting fun. Don't they realise that I find their appearance repulsive? For shame!

I've never played this series, but an RPG for Vita? Count me in! (As soon as I've finished P4G. (Twice.))

You put heartstone instead of hearthestone in the sentence.

Breaking news: Kotaku commenters are still utter cunts. More at eleven.

I've always attributed it to a lack of imagination. Like, "omg i want to be really edgy and hilarious uhhhh OH I KNOW A PENIS HAHHAHA YOLO SWAG", etc.

The Giant Bomb guys mentioned this a while ago, saying it was a dumb restriction basically for the same reasons you give. But I found myself disagreeing with them for a couple of reasons.