Oh Comely

I love free stuff!

I really hope this bombs.

That's democracy for ya!

The hackers aren't necessarily part of the gaming community.

It's worth mentioning that there's a free version on the developer's website, too.

(b ^___^)b

Personally, whenever someone mentions the stereotype of having bad teeth I can't reply because that would mean opening my mouth and proving them right.

No, I'm saying that if you take a game which you already think is good, then make it look great, it would become bad?

So if you stuck awesome graphics on a good game, it would become a horrible game?

You must have missed the bit where he helped.

Seriously though. Fuck Mike Bensa.

I don't think there are many games with a playtime of 20+ hours. Yet a lot of (American) TV shows have a total running time WAY beyond that.

What if I'd said 'sexyliced'?

omg dat chik is totaly over sexylized

No, letting your avatar play in all the tours would be like letting Shepard see all possible consequences of his/her choices regardless of which one he/she chose. Or rather, letting male Shepard see both the male and female exclusive dialogue.

This is not an issue. At all. I know a lot of people love getting offended because they like to feel righteously indignant or whatever, but c'mon. The more people pretend-rage against these tiny, ridiculous things, the more everyone else is going to become desensitised to it, even when it might be legitimate. The boy

"Why is the same room's light being turned on, then off, then on again, then off?"

I'm probably in the minority, but I generally dislike playing sports and hate watching sports, but there are some sport games I really like: Fight Night, Fifa, and a few others. For me it's nothing to do with the sport being simulated. I just enjoy it simply as a (competitive) game. The advantage of that is, because I

"Make work fun."