Oh Comely

I think it's more of a human behaviour than a female one. A certain kind of human, anyway. I know plenty of both guys and girls who wouldn't think twice about telling this guy in no uncertain terms to fuck off, and I know plenty (myself among them) who can't help but acquiesce to the wants of others, especially more

Oh no, I got it, I was just taking it a step further. You were making fun of "So, like, a funny, female-driven Falling Down without the guns?", right?

To be fair, some women do get a kick out of doing "masculine" things. My sister and her friends often giggle about how they're such 'lads' for playing Call of Duty.

Also, if you remove the family, make her a princess, give her a brother, include robots, set it in space and add some magic, it's basically Star Wars! What a hack.

As was mentioned in a previous Kotaku article:

The UK. It is pretty magical, but the unicorns died out centuries ago.

Excellent post, brilliantly and cleverly refuting a valid point. I look forward to more of your insightful comments.

The depressing thing is that the next mini-generation will probably think the same about Coldplay, Justin Timberlake and Rihanna. I don't know whether music is gradually getting shittier or I'm just getting older.

I'd probably tell more rape jokes if I knew any funny ones. The only one I can think of is "nine out of ten people enjoy gang rape". Sigh.

The Brit awards are so hilariously pathetic.

I've always used and heard 'whore' used independent of gender.

Because being unattractive is WRONG, and they were TOTALLY trying to be all sexy and stuff.

My screen's actually smaller that, which means it'd run a little better, right?

30fps+, not bothered especially about graphics.

Could a computer-savvy person let me know whether BF3 would run (well) on my laptop? It passes the recommended specs, but I'm wary of those. They never seem to be accurate.

That dinosaur demo thing on the disc that came with the original PlayStation. I played with that for hours as a kid.

>more advanced games

Next on Kotaku: This Is How We Get More White People In Rap Music.