To be fair though she is dumb and nobody should listen to her, so your point is kind of moot.
To be fair though she is dumb and nobody should listen to her, so your point is kind of moot.
Excellent! Halfway to becoming a marijuana user already!
I wish I smoked weed. Then I could tell people about it on the internet and everybody would think I was totally cool, and I could use jargon like "420", "blaze" and "baked" as if it wasn't completely retarded.
The Kindle Fire isn't specifically a reading device, though. It's more of a general purpose tablet.
Sure, but what's being alive and possessing limbs compared to playing Angry Birds while wearing awful clothes?
I'm fairly certain that neither the creator nor Mike Rougeau are being ENTIRELY serious. Lighten up, guys.
It's funny, I distinctly remember somebody commenting in the first "omg bioshocks art is bad" article, saying that they could at least put in a reversible cover, but that it would never happen.
Modelling is a career that is not open to the majority of us anyway, simply because we aren't attractive enough. I don't see that a ban on underweight models will make much of a difference to what is already an extremely discriminatory industry.
Jezebel, you really should hire an editor.
The irony of this comment is incredible.
Because ugly people are obviously just awful.
It's so lonely on a limb.
Okay, I'm a little confused. Is Men's Rights Activists like a proper organisation? Or is it a broader term for people who advocate men's rights?
"A weekend has many more opportunities for interaction."
Haha, that analogy is so awful.
I was a waiter who was treated like crap by my female colleagues. It happens on both sides.
comprising former*
But Metallica sucks as well!
Skrillex has been popular for years.
Well, I guess they could use table numbers, as a lot of restaurants do. But it's kind of sad that so many people are offended by accurate descriptions of themselves. Or rather, that so many people are offended by other people receiving accurate descriptions of themselves.