
Right. I was confused as well. If anything, it just makes for a good disguise but does nothing to sway the possibility of it being a terrorist attack.

I work with an organization that requires me to talk with people all over the world about how to combat terrorism. I wish I had more optimism about the state of the “war on terror”, but honestly, it many areas it is getting worse. It’s not just the state of reporting causing us to see more of an uptick in these

Why does the fact he may have been wearing a Santa Claus outfit imply it’s not terrorism? I’m confused.

Thanks. Happy New Year :)

I apologize for getting you in a huff on this beautiful day. Also your username reads pretty troll-y. Maybe Calm’s formula has some other stuff in it? The magnesium tablets alone did not have the same effectiveness for me.

Is that the Rains of Castamere I hear playing? Such a festive song.

What is it about the actions of the Democratic Party over the last 20 years that makes you think they’re capable of grand plans?

Photo of the Kremlin’s invitation to American diplomats:

Guys Lindsay always pushes people, that’s what she does, she’s a pusher.

Sure, why not allow any foreign country access to all our political leaders’ e-mails. If they are decent it’s fine right? Since Hillary wasn’t up to your satisfaction the bitch deserved it right?

Honestly, it sounds like it’s whimpering “Help me” and begging for the sweet release of death.

Thank god something was done, because we can’t trust Trump to critize his bromance fantasy boy Vlad.

I’ve got good news! The last three things on your list are only happening in your head, so you don’t actually need to feel disgusted about them.

It means your grandmother who keeps calling to ask why her computer’s cupholder isn’t working anymore is as technically savvy if not more so than our president elect. Also she’s likely better at stringing together coherent thoughts, and has better grammar.

..and nobody knows what is going on.

The brilliant Obama is setting up his idiot successor; he knows Trump will reverse his orders because he just can’t help himself, he thinks he’s smarter than everybody else and at this point, he thinks he can get away with anything, and he’ll end up proving once and for all that he’s a Manchurian Candidate.

I think we ought to get on with our lives. I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on. We have speed, we have a lot of other things, but I’m not sure we have the kind the security we need. But I have not spoken with the

It’s Russia and the next US president against the current president. Ummmm...WHY IS NO ONE WORRIED!?

It will force his hand. If he does reverse it then it will be obvious that is cares more about Putin’s fee fees than he does about the American democracy.

Government agencies communicate in cutesy memes and emotes. The president elect of the US tweets like a 12 year old that just discovered social media and whose parents aren’t monitoring internet time.