Cancel the appt. You won’t need teeth.
Cancel the appt. You won’t need teeth.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! !!!الف شكر
Popular patterns are also often the most affordable, of course.
My pale European blend of paleness wife and I, a Sri Lankan guy, are thrilled every time we see an interracial couple in the media. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Cheerios commercial or an episode of Happy Endings or Sense8 or Firefly, it’s good to see some kind of reflection of us, even if it’s not a perfect reflection.
I’m an older chick
This is dumb. Take your star and get out.
she proved that pregnancy couldn’t stop her from winning her 23rd Grand Slam! I don’t even know what a grand slam is but am certain it’s an incredible feat.
I’ve been saying this to friends since the primaries — I want to see a shared commitment among as many journalists as possible to use words you would expect adult readers to know: words that you would expect a president to know.
It’s silly to act like anxiety over Turmp is just “losing an election”. This isn’t “I disagree with Mitt Romney’s tax policy” or “I wish Barack Obama was more aggressive in pursuing a public healthcare option”, this is “a dangerously incompetent buffoon is putting the wellbeing of the nation in jeopardy”.
Afraid I can’t take credit, it’s a perfectly cromulent word.
Which makes me think that he wore it just so so that it would cover it up.
Check out They carry mainly non-American lingerie brands*, which mean they actually will fit women who have breasts. A lot of the lingerie lines also carry swimwear in bra sizes, going up to J or K cup.
Freya, they have great bras too (though I find the bottoms weirdly proportioned)
I thought the same thing. When my younger brother turned 21 I wanted to get him a Tiffany tie pin. Then I saw the price. He got a nice pair of socks. But, I digress. If he represents a tie brand, wouldn’t it make sense to offer tie pins as well? Why is he so crass? And, I realize I sound old school, but why wouldn’t…
The enemy of my enemy is my newspaper.
(I doubt Pence does locker room “pussygrab” talk.)
I think he likes to talk tough to compensate for the fact he’s terrified of stairs.