My god, I know. I gave up after the third degrading description of rape and murder. But like, it’s not the writer’s fault, he’s just SO HARDBOILED, you know?
My god, I know. I gave up after the third degrading description of rape and murder. But like, it’s not the writer’s fault, he’s just SO HARDBOILED, you know?
There was this one story that a nurse told me, before she left to work somewhere else.
This one resident (I’ll call her Ginger) was kinda notorious in the sense that more than a few people had experienced things in her apartment. My mom knew Ginger, and said that she was a very sweet lady; however, towards the end of…
This isn’t a ghost story, but it’s the creepiest and most awful thing that has ever happened to me. It is completely true, although I wish it wasn’t. It probably doesn’t really belong here, but I feel the need to write it down.
I’ve always been sensitive to spirits and have had quite a few weird things happen. My great grandfather was a psychic and on the other side of my family I’m an ancestor of Abraham Lincoln’s family psychic Nettie Colburn (yes really). I will tell my two scariest experiences and one not so scary (well to me).
Probably won’t get picked, but this is 100% true and I never got an explanation:
I moved for work, and took an apartment without seeing it, since I lived about 1,000 miles away. I am a scaredy cat. I am afraid of things that go bump in the night because I read a lot of Stephen King as a precocious youth. Anyway, I’m a little scared of moving into my first apartment that’s entirely my own. The…
I’m sure this will be lost to the greys, but here goes. I’ve shared details of this incident before in 2012 (or whatever year didn’t have a follow-up post), but wanted to add more details to what I remember happening.
Hooray! I love reading this thread each year. First time poster here, but I’ve got a pretty scary story. So, for background, it was my junior year of college at a small Catholic college connected to a monastery. Said college and monastery have been around since the 1800s, are said to be pretty haunted, but nothing…
The women in my family are a mixed bag of crazy. We see, hear, sense, and dream odd things. So trying to write about one really scary story is very hard because every house I’ve lived in was either haunted, or became haunted due to the presence of my mother and I. This story is 100% true- hand to bible-.
When I was in university, my walk home took me through a not-so-great neighborhood, often after a late night studying at the library.
So this happened to my best friend, and I have to preface this with the fact that my bestie is a scientist through and through. She’s in Med School and believes in testing, empirical evidence, and rational explanations...but yet she swears by this story, so take from that what you will. Anyway this is the story of the…
I live in an old tenement building from the 1800s in the heart of the East Village in NYC. It’s an old backhouse, so it’s not located on the street. You have to walk through a building then a courtyard. It’s a bit of a maze to get to it. It’s very private. Despite being in Manhattan, it’s dead quiet. The building is…
A few bits of background are necessary for my story, so please forgive the long preface. I promise there’s not a “and I said to the cabbie, yo homes, smell ya later” at the end.
I went to a very old boarding school in Northern Pennsylvania that had a million and one ghost stories that I never believed, until I was 15 and actually experienced it.
I moved to Gettysburg, PA in the summer before 9th grade. High school is hard enough without moving to a new state and new town, but that’s a different story. I joined the cross country team that fall. We would go on long runs on the battlefields, especially early in the morning or in the evening when the tourist…
I have a story my dad used to always tell me. He was a boy scout back in the 60’s in Hong Kong (Queen scout, which is one of the highest ranks, apparently). Anyway he was doing a multi-day hike up a mountain to reach a shrine at the very top. At the shrine lived an old monk who’s only job was to welcome/greet (?) the…
It was the summer of 2003 I was 16 almost 17 when my cousin, 22 at the time, asked if I wanted to go on a road trip with her from California to New Jersey. Her husband was a marine stationed in Japan. He was flying to his family in New Jersey for a wedding and she was bringing the car from California. Not having any…
My story won’t win any prizes and will probably sit spookily in the grey for a while, but, I’ve always liked it, and will share it anyway.