Those annoying autoplay videos? I installed a script to block those from ever showing up for me. If they didn’t autoplay I probably would have actually watched them.
Those annoying autoplay videos? I installed a script to block those from ever showing up for me. If they didn’t autoplay I probably would have actually watched them.
What a hot garbage take. All evidence suggests if anything, VPs do nothing at all to one’s election chances. Let alone HANDING President PAndemic another term. Calm the F down.
SMB2 wins GOTY every year for a reason.
Man, Pokemon is the perfect IP for a moba.
The ARMS producer asked for her.
You need to pay more attention. “Defund the Polile” is not “abolish cops”. It’s about police reform. Specifically, it’s about stripping police departments back to basic community supporting programs.
Defunding your local police is a local responsibility. No president has authority to cause or prevent it. This is why you have to vote in every election. School board to city council to D.A. to town planning council, they all count.
The hand-wringing over this interview is entirely misguided. Joe didn’t say anything that every Democrat doesn’t believe. It’s just a plain fact that black voters who vote Republican are race traitors, but few white Democrats have been brave enough to say it publicly until now.
Scarlet Nexus looks like someone is cribbing real hard off of Astral Chains homework
A Hamilton Beach sale, a RAVPower file hub, a GMG spring video game sale, a PowerA Fusion Fightpad for PS4, Xbox One,…
I dunno, the store I buy all my Pathfinder and Magic stuff is the same place I go every week to play them, so a Gamestop that’s also a perpetual LAN party might work.
It’s just really rad to trash gamestop lol
thing is, i was at a gamestop over the weekend and i thought this sort of store was what they should be trying. i’ve never had bad experiences at gamestop, which i guess makes me some kind of freakish outlier, but i thought building a more open marketplace for people to actively recommend and try games together would…
These are the worst suggestions I’ve ever heard, and show how anything can be posted to the internet as seemingly expert advice. To paraphrase:
Goddammit EA, Port the entire dead space trilogy to it already.
It seems that no one has been able to find any real data concerning how common or real “birth tourism” actually is
To be fair, the 200 Pokémon will be added to the game in a free update. They won’t be catchable, but if you have Home or someone willing to trade with you you can still use them.
Iceborne is nearly a full sequel to one of the best games of the generation as well.