
Typically I have no issue with what others do with their lifestyles. 

Viper is not the only production car with a V10 by the way. Rode in my friend’s R8 V10 a couple times, and I am pretty sure it doesn’t sound like a tractor, and by the same token a Gallardo/Huracan.  Or a LFA. Or a E60 M5. Or a C6 RS6. Or a Carrera GT.

Meanwhile at Mazda they couldn’t even be bothered with 323 or 626 and just called it 3 and 6.

Being a current JDM car owner, my advice to all future owners is that, while the idea of using a JDM car as your primary daily is very enticing, you will be better off using it as a secondary point A to point B car - take it to work on Fridays or go for brunch on Saturday mornings. And note that is different from a poi

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Top down in cold weather? Expect some shrinkage driving.

V10 good either way.

The only way Taycan can succeed is to price high and make its buyers over pay. That sounds bad, but it is a supremely successful business tactic that has been used over and over again.

I know what Cadillac is missing, its own “real people” commercials! You know, instead of “real people” just use “real retirees,” and they will sell like hot cakes!

I feel like the hexagon and arrow theme has been played out too much and looks very dated.

I believe the soundtrack also need to match the car. Daft Punk in a Skyline GT-R, yes, in a Challenger Hellcat, not so much.

Yeah... Not getting any fizzy feelings...

Toyota Avalon, the official accolade of successfully making to be old.  I can’t wait to own one.

You are mesmerizing.

Raikkonen has confirmed that he pulled a muscle during the off-season

Han has better quotes than any other characters in this franchise. His quotes alone should bring Tokyo Drift to be among the tops.

What a perfect car to make both myself and my wife happy!

I totally agree. But I didn’t like the red side mirrors so I went to Toyota’s website and built one to see what it’s like without. I was surprised to discover they offer a soft top option, so I added that as well.