Not to mention she calls her gun a toy and “plays” with it.
Not to mention she calls her gun a toy and “plays” with it.
WAY too many of these “Don’t be a fraidy cat of my gun” intimidater types don’t have the FIRST CLUE as to how to store or handle them safely.
It’s time for mandatory education before purchase, ‘cause these people just aren’t getting it done.
This would be deliciously funny if an innocent kid hadn’t been scarred for life. Fuuuck. Guessing the authorities chalk this up to an accident as per usual.
Most civil litigation firms (mine does this and so does ever other firm in my area) charge hourly and take a certain percentage of the ultimate award. the retainer usually reads something like: 33 1/3% if settled prior to trial, 40% if goes to trial, 50% if goes to appeal.
Hotels don’t verify. If you ask to be next to someone they accommodate if they can.
On the other hand, look how they handled their own narrative in the Matrix sequels.
Sweet, my complete disdain for the guy has now been vindicated.
Something that’s not particularly well known but I try to point out whenever possible - ‘kaffir’ is a slur. Calling them ‘makrut limes’ is also correct, and even better, not offensive.
What does a bay leaf smell like? Nothing.
Funny story, we had a person prepping a kaffir lime ice cream base, and they mistakenly used bay leaves. It was actually pretty tasty. But the bulk of our bay leaves are used in savory preparations.”
not to mention, not all men are like that, and it’s insulting to imply that. in fact, them being insulted is actually worse than the harassment in the first place!
How horrifying. But also, how gratifying to hear that the rescue people on the scene seemed to be legitimately concerned for her safety and dignity.
Man, the right-hand side of that flow-chart is a hot mess. Saying you’re between 2 and 13 dumps you to a question about the price of your ticket. So if you’re 12 and catch a ball, but your ticket was under $75, you have to give it to that 8 year old next to you. Complete bullshit. #flowcharttruther
Ben Carson had me wondering if brain surgery was actually all that hard.
If a Leicester fan was offered the choice of winning the league this year, but droping out in the round of 16 in the Champion’s League next year, or dropping down to fourth this year, but winning the Champion’s League next year, which would they take?
To a team and its fans, it would be the Champions League without a doubt.
Cue all the imbeciles who won’t get the joke in the headline. I’ve already fallen for this shit. Put another W in the win column for the Warriors. Winning 112-95 against the Lakers still counts as a win Deadspin!
So, high school goes until age 23 in Minnesota?
Burneko actually caved about the no-recipe thing a while back. They include one now, they just don’t make the link obvious. I haven’t found this one yet, but here’s an old one...