
Entitlement that’s soured into hatred. They didn’t “get” girls in school or whatever (as though women are prizes or cookies to be handed out) and basically never got over the idea that they “deserve” not only female companionship but a blend of virgin, geisha and underwear model who really wants a threesome anytime

If they’re welcoming incels, then, yeah, a lot of them are pissed because they aren’t getting laid.

Oh my god, that’s such a pet peeve of mine. I cannot stand it when people try to quiz you to prove you’re a “real” fan. And it’s infuriating when it’s used as a way to exclude women. I am a guy who loves Spider Man, but no dude’s going to quiz me on the Clone Saga to make me prove it. (Which is good, because I would

AMEN. It’s also the reason these neckbeards like to “quiz” women on nerdy shit in hopes of tripping them up on some obscure fact about Jerry or whatever. They get to feel superior and comfort themselves with the idea that the girl wasn’t a REAL fan anyway.

None of this stuff is “nerdy.” It is as mainstream as you can get. Nerd as an idea died out in the late 1990s as internet, tech, and comic properties became totally mainstream.

This is exactly what it is. I’m a woman who grew up on nerdy fare thanks to a parents deeply into Star Trek, Star Wars, Kurosawa and Tolkein- and my dad was deeply into comic books. So, when my brother would have high school guy friends over, sometimes I’d overhear his friends complain that “I wish I could meet a girl

I’m not endorsing their behavior but simply saying because they ‘can’t date a woman” is the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard. Dating a woman isn’t the pinnacle of greatness it’s just a basic means to procreation, I’m sure these assholes are mad about something else. Maybe they are assuming that the R&M creators are

Because they are complete losers, insecure in their own masculinity. The fact that they are likely virgins probably doesn’t help.

Sure. You can do whatever the hell you want with art on your end. I certainly have relationships with lots of works that are very different from what their creators intended. What you don’t get to do is browbeat artists into making the kind of art you want. You get to decide if you want it when it’s done. You don’t

The best explanation I heard was this. So many of these guys are the basement dwelling stereotypes you read about, the ones who can’t get a date. They’ve convinced themselves that it’s because they like comics and SF and fantasy and nerdy things that girls don’t get. Now, with more and more women becoming fans and

Because they can’t date one, and this is their lowest common denominator way, of acting out their frustration. It’s absolutely sickening.

Why the fuck is it impossible for these gutless fucks to let women do anything nerdy or nerd-adjacent without being harassed

I’ve been saying this for years: Fuck fans. You don’t own shit, you didn’t do shit, you’re just a customer. You don’t like the product anymore, go shop somewhere else. You’re not entitled to a goddamn thing.