
So you introduce another government expert created perception to bolster your belief. I get it, you want to see an analysis that supports your political views. So you want to only use figures after they are adjusted (such as the surface temperature record) and/or want to trim the plot. In this case you only want to

I looked it up. Basically, they take the US population 16 and older, subtract the working population, come up with 87 million, and round up to 90. Of course that 90 million includes all 16-18 year olds still in high school with no job, anyone in college without a job, and everyone who is retired. So yeah, there’s 90

Samir. Samir Nahh-gon-work-here-anymore.

Thanks for the warning. Can we move on now? Some of us didn’t like either of the candidates and just want this nightmarish election cycle to end. We get it, Trump is “literally Hitler” and a real poopy head, but you know what? I heard practically the same kinds of things from conservatives when Obama was elected.

Enough with the fucking tweet storms. If you have something lengthy to write, put it in a blog post or a Facebook post. Tweet storms are the vertical video of the written word.

How is innovation driven in your opinion? And how does it not require any capital reinvestment by the company provided by some sort of profits?

If you pay workers more, you leave less money for growth. Most growth in business is due to new product development/ services. This in turn leads to more hiring. If back in the 80's the entirety of corporate profit was dedicated to workers wages, you would still be on a hulking desktop computer right now and we

Again, you clearly have never managed a business in your life. I’d suggest trying to do so.

maybe, maybe not. But that is certainly a place for them to spend. Encouraging spending on equipment or more advertising or whatever is directly associated with more people working and more people making higher wages. stupid.

Well so far Putin has whipped his ass from Crimea to Syria and the Chinese are doing whatever they want in the south china sea. Maybe chess isn’t Barack’s game.

Reactionary Demographic

We can condemn Hitler without marveling at how he rebuilt the German highway system & we can call Castro what he was a ruthless murdering dictator; without bringing up that time he encouraged his people to read. If you have a problem with the VERY FAIR & nuanced approach LeBatard presented his piece; I don’t know what

It’s nice that the Cuban people can read, it would be nicer if they could eat.

In my unprofessional medical opinion, it is difficult to read or inform a medical care professional of your symptoms if you are dead...

He did not say that they were equivalent in scale but that they were equivalent in kind. Nice strawman you got there.

He murdered tons of people, but because he’s left of center I’m going to defend him!

But you might note that the “murderous killer” you’re indicting via proxy here brought vast advances in literacy, health care, and overall quality of life to Cuba despite the crushing force of an embargo by the world’s most powerful economy

Then you are most likely a dumbass liberal or a mooslum terrorist yourself. Got it?

I don’t think it’s rational to be “just as concerned,” though. The ugly aspects of the Koran and Hadith are more common in religiously-motivated attacks than, say, the Book of Mormon. I’ll grant we don’t know this was a religiously-motivated attack right now, but it doesn’t seem logical to worry about all religions