Cutler feels the same way
Cutler feels the same way
It is a catch-all for behaviors that Jezebel doesn't like but can't necessarily be called sexist or racist.
I think it this is an elaborate marketing scheme for the soon to be announced Spies Like Us 2.
What? Is this a joke? lol. We don't even have a nuclear fusion reactor as of yet do we? And then you have to consider how would one use this for propulsion that is on par with turbo fan engines whilst remaining safe.
A flight attendant's job first and foremost, is safety – not to bend over backwards for every customer whim. If they cater to a seat swap that costs the airline money, they could be reprimanded, or possibly fired.
I think this smells too much of.....they were so mean to me (even though in not gonna admit what really happened.)
I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.
Maybe it's time to send Rolling Stone magazine out to get to the bottom of this shit.
I promise you, the trucker didn't have a legitimate reason to be in the left lane.
Mice for the avionics.
It's not even going to be his default home unless he's jumping shores. So Notch bought a 70 Million vacation home.
You could have, if you thought of it first. Sucks to be a lazy, unimaginative person huh?
Ha, I'm sure that if on some flight during turbulence the captain would come on the intercom and say "One fifty four" my heart would explode!
Some incredible footage from the recent Joint Forcible Entry Exercise at Keno Airstrip, deep in the Nellis Test and…
The armored bridgelayer, also known as the armored vehicle-launched bridge, is a key component of any credible…'m not going to lie, my hands start to sweat whenever I get into bad turbulence. The only thing that calms me down is to remember that it seems way worse than it actually is and to remember this video of wing stess tests on the 7y7. To say these planes are over engineered to handle these…
Jezebel Basic
I have no reason to hate these shoes or the people wearing them; but I really hate these shoes and anyone who wears them.