
LOL. You know they have cars, trucks, heavy trucks, UPS, etc in Nicaragua right?

“All sexual assault accusers deserve to be believed.....”

“Worthless seat belt in car exposed after I didn’t crash on my drive to work.”

I’m amazed anybody at Jezebel considers two people having sex in a hotel room a “fuck fest”.

“If he said her account was “inconclusive”, that’s probably him being generous.”


What was her injury?

But Brazil has Bolsa Familia! Massive economically crushing welfare program that brought everybody out of poverty. Why is it still such a third world shit hole?

“that dye from the advertising boards surrounding the pool are leeching into the water.”

Imagine the Gawker outrage if a white South African refused to shake hands with a black competitor.

I’d love to see the Gawkspin if a Mormon woman insisted on wearing her magic underwear.

“If Deadspin as we know it is about to end...”

How many NFL Playoff games have you won, Barry?

Kinda funny that she thought this was going to launch her career, and it simply ended up ruining it.

All these negative stories are just right wing hit pieces meant to paint the liberal Brazilian utopia in a bad light. They have Bolsa Familia there! No poverty!

People who actually read the story, dumbfuck.

The only thing wrong with this story is that they threw his stuff in the trash. That’s messed up. I wouldn’t want him in my locker room either after saying he wanted to go play for a rival.

“This is totally different! For one, Reagan wasn’t black, and uhh................. What were we talking about again?”

Pink shirt was all about it until he got punched in the face. Then all the sudden fighting didn’t seem like such a great idea.

Who cares? The fuel economy fantasy Ford uses for the F-150 is far worse than having nothing at all.