Obviously this is the fault of racist white police.
Obviously this is the fault of racist white police.
Exactly the kind of idea I would expect from a liberal dipshit with no understanding of basic economics.
I love that we’re turning violent drug dealers loose because of prison overcrowding - but we’re sending a pencil pusher to prison for four years for using somebody else’s password.
“some morons still think that saying Black Lives Matter means other lives don’t“
“a favored political rallying cry of bigots and disingenuous cretins”
When you look like that, people who tell you that you suck are few and far between.
“Fuck them then.”
That’s cute. You should look up stand your ground laws to prevent yourself from looking like such a fucking idiot.
I know right. That’s why we elected a black president.
“We also live in a society where the police, statistically, shoot first and ask questions later when called to the scene and a black man is present.”
“his fear is completely rational.”
Trayvon got shot because he attacked a man and was bashing his head on the concrete.
It is an insane exaggeration. The chances of getting shot by a cop, even while black, are infinitesimal as long as you’re not resisting arrest, illegally carrying gun, fighting with cops, etc.
Well Japan probably doesn’t have 13% of the population responsible for 60% of all the violent crime either.
“Neither had committed a crime that was punishable by death nor did they put any officers lives at risk.”
And I thought the people spending money on weapon skins were lunatics.
He didn’t “sacrifice for his employers” you ignorant Occupy Wallstreet twat. He traded money for better chance at a title.
“high income households bought toilet paper on sale 39% of the time, compared to 28% for low income households.”
But Brazil’s Bolsa Familia Bernie Sanders Extravaganza solved crime and poverty in Brazil, and is a model for how we should shape America’s future welfare state. How could this be?
It is embarrassing that this is a thing.