
“I don’t need to think for it to be true. You go back to sucking your mother.”

Gun violence is the lowest it’s been in your lifetime. Stop reading Gawker.

Yes. All those people were great and wonderful until that inanimate object took control of them.

I’m curious, who do you guys blame for all of the club-goers in France that were gunned down with AK-47s?

I didn’t even notice the guy in the background was highlighted. I was wondering why they’d detain him for being Russel Wilson.


“No, that was a training Hellfire missile. Had no components in it that would pose technological security risks.”

“A missile that was shipped from a US base in Spain via Air France accidentally wound up in Cuba, when it was mis-routed in Paris.

Selective quoting? Like trying to claim police officers, FBI agents, CIA agents, and VA workers make up the majority of government?

“1. No, but if the kid delivering your New York Times doesn’t particularly like delivering the newspaper, you will get it late”

“#1. Government employees run the government. They are the people who actually do the day-to-day work.”

#1 - He said it’s “run by”, not “employs”.

“Do these guys look like terrorists? Do they have terrorist names?”

10,000 stars.

“The government is run by anti-government types”

“is based on a false flag”

Probably good that way. Might be hard to find a buyer for a sports website employing solely dipshit liberals who don’t like sports.

I love watching liberals tiptoe around the human rights violations in Muslim countries.

Typical anti-Trump dipshit.