
Something the members of the Russian armed forces clearly need. Remember reading a (translated) post from that Igor Girkin guy (ex Russian FSB, pro-Russian milblogger, convicted of shooting down that one plane) where he laments the fact that Russia hasn’t officially declared it a war yet, leaving Russian troops liable

If these people were smart...

Why would they?
It’s only an (extremely vocal) minority that care.

Why would one expect feds to prosecute a crime that happened entirely within (friendly) foreign soil?

Seems like it would clearly be a matter for the Mexican authorities?

So, you’re suggesting that Weinsteinn would have committed those crimes even if he knew he would be caught and punished because he was simply incapable of stopping himself?

Strong disagree. He did it because he wanted to have sex with these women and didn’t care whether or not they wanted to have sex with him, and he th

The FBI — which is investigating alleged fraud, bribery, drug distribution and civil rights violations related to the use of force —

There should be 3 types of sentences:
1. Separation. This is for folks who are clearly, and will clearly continue to be, a threat to other people. A.k.a. Dahlmer. If it wasn’t for the fact that mistakes happen, I’d be tempted to advocate for executions instead.

True, instead of going “Mine Mine Mine” like a little baby about government documents, Hillary was smart enough to (plausibly deniably) have an intern destroy ‘em all.

So the only people who’d know if she had classified docs on her unsecure server would be the Russians (or some other adversary) if they’d already copied

You may want to do more research on said laptop. I haven’t really been following the story about what is ON the laptop that is allegedly damning, but even WaPo admits the communications on it are all authentic, and the store owner gave it over directly to the Feds. All the “chain of custody” concerns are largely about

Which Clinton? Bill took a plea deal.

Something that I don’t hear anyone saying is that every one of those charges is a slam dunk as a misdemeanor, and I believe that reduction is something that can happen during the trial. I honestly think the question here is 34 felony convictions vs. 34 misdemeanor convictions.

What’s patently false? That the charges concern 11 sets of invoice, check stub, and corresponding ledger entry? (Plus a final ledger entry) that are all (allegedly?) falsely claiming to be for legal expenses and not compensation for a singular payment made by his lawyer to obtain an NDA?

That if they weren’t falsified

Perhaps the biggest news to come out of Celebration so far is the confirmation that Daisy Ridley is coming back to Star Wars.

The underlying whatever that (allegedly?) raises all the times he (allegedly?) lied about the payments being legal expenses from a misdemeanor to a felony?

Uhm, not sure what this guy is smoking, but it’s *precisely* what we were anticipating. The whole 30+ thing was already widely leaked.

And, as near as we can tell, the “lie” in all 30+ cases was the same lie. It’s kind of like charging somebody for 30 counts of driving with a broken tail light because he got pulled

Obvious answer.
Because he wasn’t freed from prison. House arrest due to Covid is not the same as Freed.

Hot take:
Pranks are asinine. Pranksters are asinine.

As far as I’m aware, cops frequently charge even if it is straight up self defense in order to cross their T’s and dot their “I”’s. As an affirmative defense, It’s up to the shooter to prove it was a legal case of self defense.

As far as I’m aware, cops frequently charge even if it is straight up self defense in order to cross their T’s and dot their “I”’s. As an affirmative defense, It’s up to the shooter to prove it was a legal case of self defense.

I’m... unconvinced. There’s a high probability that the MAGA idiots will be energized to vote for Trump in the primaries by this, in spite of the fact that he’s unelectable in the general.

So I think whatever sane Republicans are left aren’t happy right now. But the lunatic (not so fringe anymore) ones that somehow