
so if you’re innocent, prove yourself.

I’m inclined to disagree. Should this be the amazingly weak case it seems to be and Trump gets off, heck, ideally Judge tosses it, that would demonstrate that no, the courts AREN’T rigged. So selling his innocence to the public in the other cases when he’s found guilty will be MUCH harder.

I’ve been thinking about it some, and I’m sort of wondering if it’s a good thing that the case that, from what little we know, seems obviously B.S.* is going first.

It feels like it would be harder to argue in his future trials about how biased and unfair and rigged the whole system is if he does get off on the case in

Reading elsewhere that Trump didn’t really have much of a choice. One of the larger lawsuits he’s facing has a NY court date later this year, and if he doesn’t show up for it, he automatically loses. So unless he feels he can just piss away a ton of money and be found culpable in that lawsuit, he’d only be putting it

What most of the talking heads seem to suspect is that the charges against him are about falsifying business records, (e.g. claiming the payments to Cohen were to cover a legal expense, as opposed to compensation for the hush money payments...)

Falsifying business records is normally a misdemeanor. The statute of

I’m sort of curious, I’ve read all this speculation about what “other crime” Bragg’s going to use to bump up the falsifying business records charges to a felony.

Is there any reason he doesn’t just take the “easy win” and simply charge them as misdemeanors? Everything I’ve read seems to be operating under the

AFAIK the expectation is the charges are falsifying business records.

Don’t look at me, I was of the opinion whoever it was that goes up against Trump was going to win in 2020, and the smart move for the Republicans would have been to either vote yes on impeachment (Like Cheney did) or primary his ass.

And I pretty much just said that, now, in a Biden v. Trump matchup, yeah. Biden wins.

Yeah. But seems like a defense of “Of course we didn’t say the money was for a hush payment, that would be admitting he had slept with her” would create sufficient doubt that THAT was the reason for lying about the reason for the payments, and not the fact that said payment was a campaign finance violation.


AFAIK the expectation is the charges are falsifying business records. The Campaign finance allegations are what bumps the former up to a felony if the jury finds the intent of the former was to hide the latter.

I have to disagree.
This may be the only way Biden wins.

I mean, *theoretically* the injuries could have come from a tug-of-war over the phone, if he sort of has his arm out horizontal to sort of block her as she tries to pull the phone away and he tries to pull it in, then she loses traction or something and is pulled hard into his arm sorta being clotheslined, then

Unfortunately, it’s only a felony if it was done to hide another crime, which may be difficult to prove. There’s always the “trying to save my marriage” defense.

You mean the money spent on the blue check doesn’t go towards an actual verification process?

So, what you’re saying is that if EA realizes having their own internal T.V. studio doesn’t make sense after the Sims reality show failed to get picked up, they can’t let go of all those involved until FIFA stops making money?

Clearly, the fact that the company is posting record profits means it should keep paying people to stare at their belly buttons.

Pretty sure house wives/stay at home moms have historically been compensated for their labor.

Something of a cliche that the Husband makes the money and the Wife spends it.

Did he?
Sure as heck sounds like she was the one threatening him.
And then making good on that threat.

Now, maybe if she had said something along the lines of “Stay away, I’ll shoot if you come any closer” there’d be a SYG/SD defense argument. But “I’ll kill your ass tonight, bitch.” immediately before shooting somebody d

a) I don’t think I’ve been in a beta of a F2P game that didn’t have the cash shop selling things as part of the Beta. That’s also something they have to test. The ones I was in during Closed Beta (with reset) gave everybody some free premium currency though. But even then I think some allowed you to buy more currency,

It’s only a scam if they intended to pull the rug out from the beginning, and there’s no evidence whatsoever that that is true.
This is clearly a publisher/dev pulling the plug on a dying game. It happens. Get over it. If you hate losing money on being unable to use DLC you paid for, DLC probably isn’t something you