
It should be pointed out that the arresting officer stated:

Personal take:

Does it even matter if where other people see your feet are are actually where your feet are?

I’d assume because there’s a different level of “guilt” associated with cheating on a website (that simply requires a chess program running on another computer/window) and cheating while sitting at a chess board in front of your opponent that would require something far more complicated.

(IIRC, the reason they caught

They alt-tab to a chess engine.
Now, how do they cheat when they aren’t alone in their room at a computer w/ nobody watching?

Next it’ll be remote controlled pacemakers.

“Your community” is a bizarrely exclusive turn of phrase, as it removes THEM from the community in question.

So how DO you complete stuff like “Midway’s Greatest Hits”? Or “Namco Museum”?

Sure. But he’s also a medical doctor and not a therapist/social worker. He responded in his field of expertise.

Mikhai Kossar, a chartered accountant and a member of Wolves DAO, a group that consults with NFT gaming projects in the early stages of their development, told Rest of World that some players Businesses will always go wherever they can make more money

So, because you apparently kept partying, getting drunk, and otherwise acting like an immature idiot at 24 means there’s no such thing as people that young actually being mature?

Well, since Pedophilia is sexual attraction to prepubescents, who are thus incapable of having children, it’s clearly an aberration in every respect.

Older men are more capable of affording children.

Isn’t that basically the backstory of the Krogan? Race gets “uplifted” by more advanced race to be used as a tool?

Probably throw in Wookies and Vorta while you’re add it?

Funny thing is, I could swear I remember various futurists saying that artistic/creative fields were the future proof bet as unlike other professions they won’t be automatable.

I bought FFXV, just like I bought pretty much every FF game before it.
I hated FFXV.

Maybe if they went back to actually making good RPG’s new final fantasies wouldn’t suck so bad.

1. If working QA for Nintendo (or any other game developer) is your dream job, you probably need to rethink your life.

I mean, they are throwing shit at a wall.

Clearly, instead of supporting the guy seeking mental health treatment, we should go full Spartan and send the dude off into the wilderness to die if he’s not 100% healthy.