
I’ve often argued that if prenatal abortions are legal, postnatal ones should be to.

That said, mock all you want, but technically he’s actually *under* counting. Not all pregnancies only last 40 weeks. Longest on record is 54 weeks. And if democrats are for legalizing abortions at any time, then that would, in fact be


Which presumably explains why the resulting dish you make out of it is:
zucchini and mince sandwiches”.

“We are backsliding on democracy,” said state Sen. Jean Breaux (D-Indianapolis).

Why on earth would a 2 year old be going to Chuck E. Cheese for a birthday party?

I mean, I’ll admit, back in my day it was showbiz pizza, so maybe I’m just too old and out of touch, but 2 y/o seems way too young to get anything out of going there other than the worlds worst pizza? (Should a 2 year old even be eating

“During this time, crops wither and die, and a deadly dust keeps people trapped indoors,”

I assume the reason for the sentencing imbalance is because in the back of their minds, a LOT of the men doing the sentencing probably wish they had a teacher like her when they were in their low/mid teens.

Though, probably specifically the hot just out of college Latina Spanish Teacher who tosses a foam ball around to

Remember the man targeted by Jaynes’ and Meany’s ill-gotten warrant didn’t even live with Taylor and was already in police custody by the time it played out.


Depends on whether or not they think it’s bad enough to significantly damage the entire DC movie brand.... well, more than it already has been, I guess.

Maybe... Just hear me out...

Love the way they jump in the air when they strike to largely negate the force of impact.
Either that or slamming their foot on the canvas to fake the sound of impact.

Agreed. But as I said, all the literature I’ve read indicates that even if the reversal fails, you can still extract the sperm and do IVF. Which is more expensive and less fun, yes, but that’s what a functional healthcare system is for.

Don’t take it out on me, (or the scientists/advocates/whomever) blame biology. This presumably comes as a surprise, but tubal ligations simply aren’t nearly as effective as vasectomies. Not only can the tubes grow back over time (unlike with a vasectomy) but it isn’t even as reliable from the start. (Some studies

Last I read, the issue isn’t lack of people wanting to adopt... From quick google search there’s a waiting list of something like 2 million couples. 36 for every child placed.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding something, but...

“Ultimately, we believe that all human life is valuable and deserves our legal protection from that beginning moment of fertilization, whether that occurs through normal means or through IVF. And so certainly we want those embryos who are created through the IVF process protected,”

Google “Mens Rea”.

From what I remember, (admittedly, didn’t really pay all THAT much attention) He was doing a full day stream of himself at E3 and happened to go to the bathroom w/o turning it off.  More a case of idiocy/not thinking about things than any sort of predatory behavior.

Wait a minute...