
*Facepalm* It’s not about ooh, sudden movement, must chase. It’s once somebody has made the decision to catch something all the risk/reward calculations go way out of whack in favor of doing whatever it takes to catch said something, not to mention tunnel vision/etc. as the adrenaline kicks in.

Not much of a compelling argument. So was slavery. So was taking land from the Native Mericans..

1. After chasing Toledo into a dead end alley. Literally textbook example of shit going bad during a chase. (And is literally the reason why, based on recommendations, Chicago PD just updated their foot chase policy to ban them except in extreme circumstances. Not more training. Stop the foot chases entirely.)
2. And

Leading police on a chase until you’re cornered isn’t “comply”. And it’s already triggered exactly the chase instinct I’m talking about.

Military members aren’t thinking “catch” to begin with. Going in with an entirely different mindset.

But the above is one of the reasons why quite a few police departments have toyed with the idea of prohibiting *all* chases, not just vehicular.

From what I remember, Philandro continued to reach for something (his wallet), e.g. did NOT have his hand on the wheel, when told not to several times.

The only way I can see this making any sense is pay the 15, but then subtract food/phone calls (and make it standard rates not some prison jacked up rate)/clothing/bed/utilities from it (keep education free since that benefits everyone long term).. so they are pretty much paying their own way.. Ultimately they would

Self fulfilling prophecy then, ‘cause studies show running dramatically increases the odds of somebody being seriously hurt or killed.

Despite initially telling Kent he was separated from his wife, it later came out that Emmett was definitely still married when he started dating Kent.

In the logical extension to this, if/when they find the rapist, they’d convict him of murder as well as rape.

Did she cry to get her way or not?

Except the argument here is that there is somebody else’s (Non consenting) body involved.


Last I checked, cutting out a live human heart is illegal even if it’s an established part of a religion that’s been around for hundreds of years.

My understanding is it’s about due process. Which is to say anti-abortion laws are (were?) illegal because there is no way to prove a woman had an abortion (as is required by due process of 14th amendment) without violating the search and seizure (privacy Dr/patient confidentiality) of the 4th amendment.

Which always

It also could just be a large majority of people simply don’t care.

Last I remember, most studies indicate a majority of Americans are (were?) in favor of keeping Roe V. Wade.

IIRC gambling is defined as based on luck.

The video itself pretty strongly suggests that. Also suggests it wasn’t the first time/the adults knew the kid vice/versa.

Agreed. “Racial Profiling” is when the loss prevention agent tails the black person through the store.