
Unfortunately, California was never legally a slave state, so after some calculation, the reparations will simply be a round of applause.

Yeah yeah yeah...

No no no... After conducting a thorough investigation of myself, (and wiping away all the crumbs I found), I’ve concluded that there is no evidence (remaining) that I ate the cookies.

I’d say more like 90% chance people at QA were “Hey, they named it after the toolset. Cool inside joke”. With no clue a Bonobo is a type of Ape.

Probably ‘cause just about every derogatory word has it’s roots as a term for somebody generally deemed “lesser”.

I thought “Buy a Gallery” is precisely what she did?

To be fair, just because she wasn’t paying attention to the continued allegations of election fraud anymore, (Because, you know, she realized they were B.S.) doesn’t mean she somehow didn’t notice the rioters storming the capitol.

Why people need to stop saying we’re going to be in The Handmaid’s Tale.

A fool and his money...
That said, he’s probably monetized, so odds are he’ll recoup a bunch of what he spent. Basically just advertising.  Heck, probably worked out better for him that he *didn’t* get any.  Just look at all the free press on sites like this.

Sort of makes one wonder if the disparity in results isn’t just a factor of media attention, but the value their abductor places on them as influenced by society at large. If black girls are treated as disposable trash by society in general, it follows that child molesters/etc. would treat them as disposable trash...

But but but... I’m right, you’re wrong, and I can PROVE it.

I was only commenting on your question about about why no perjury charges.

Somebody is just mad that from now on whenever somebody suggests that maybe somebody is possibly lying about being abused, and people rush in with “nobody would ever lie about being abused” they can just be shut down with two words: “Amber Heard”.

I guess because preponderance of evidence that she’s lying and he isn’t is nowhere near beyond a reasonable doubt that she’s lying?

I find it funny that they actually have an alternate official name for wi-fi. (“l’access sans fil à internet”, essentially “Wireless access to the internet”)

Now we just need to get that “some countries” changed to “all countries”.

but it seems like you can literally buy the best in slot sets and pets in the game right off the store. No gacha, no gimmicks, just straight purchase

You do realize that the officer can still see you THEN right? So in addition to the officer thinking you may have been digging around for a gun while he was pulling you over, he can now also charge you with driving while distracted if he doesn’t end up shooting you.

Sounds like a good way to get yourself killed. As the other poster said, in Drivers Ed in a high school with predominately middle/upper class white kids ,they specifically teach you NOT to go opening the glove box/etc. while the officer is approaching the vehicle because they can see that, and that digging around for

Probably because, in most cases, the “good cops” don’t know if the “bad cop” is actually a bad cop, or a fellow good cop who simply made a mistake. Hard to condemn somebody for doing something you could potentially see yourself doing in a moment of panic/error/whatever.