
Sure... but pizza delivery boys aren’t typically armed with a gun and wearing bullet proof vests. Mortality rate isn’t a great indication of “Safer”. Cops have lower mortality rates than many other “safe” professions because they are better prepared for the danger they (and every other rational person) know they are


To each his own?
I went to camp when I was in 8th grade or so that, in addition to the usual archery range, also had a rifle range (and shot gun range) and... no existential terror when firing (though some kids thought the shotgun hurt a bit. I paid attention to the instructor though so had it properly braced against

On the other hand, I see an absolutely massive amount of game returns for whomever makes FIFA 24, as hundreds of millions of idiots buy it w/o realising it isn’t made by EA.

AFAIK, technically all their sports games are already EA Sports Blah blah blah. People just tend to leave off the EA Sports part. The “badge” in the name IS still part of the name.

but running some water on it—despite this seeming like the best option

On the other hand, a lot of sports gamers are stupid, and will buy probably “FIFA 24" even if it’s a Soccer themed Visual Novel.

You’d think it’d be obvious...

Which is why the “synthesis” ending is correct, because you’ve *already* started on the path/achieved it of the AI/Organic working together and becoming more alike/tolerant.
(Just not the stupid ass fantasy “merge” the game ended up making it out to be)

The real synthesis ending should have been you pick it....

I’d assume it’s more “EA Sports: FC”. Like it was (technically) EA Sports: FIFA, or EA Sports: Madden, or EA Sports: NBA Live

EA Sports being the label for EA’s sports games for a good long while now.

The good news—pardon me, but this is a rollercoaster of an announcement—is that it’s based on one of the best types of free-to-play games around.

Sure beats:
“A lot of player are using mods.  So let’s rework a bunch of the API’s and break them all”.

Uhm. Pretty sure both screenshots are of the exact same model. (but different textures).

If CEO’s were actually paying that much attention to the entire hierarchy, they may actually be deserving of the paychecks they get.

He just means Nintendo was better at hiding this stuff when he worked there.

Sure you have. This article lists every single thing NFT’s can do better than already existing tech.

The thing is, NFT’s really are just “Greater Fool Theory” investments, just like paintings, trading cards, comic collecting, etc.

Too few people want to be police officers to be able to screen out “the bad ones”.

Dude, the Azov Battalion is like 1k people. May as well say Russia is run by Nazi’s because the Wagner group is full of Neo Nazi’s.

And, fwiw, those “Neo Nazis” have committed far less war crimes than the Russians, so.. Judge a man by his actions and all that.