
Americans don’t know where Yemen is.

To be fair, failure to “read the room” is apparently how Putin got Russia in this mess in the first place, so I guess they’re just staying consistent with their Fuhrer.

Am I the only one who thinks governments really need to make “fairness in gaming” laws or somesuch that make stuff like cheat software explicitly illegal, so companies don’t have to make absurd “copy right” or “Trademark” arguments that aren’t really what the issue is really about?

Princess Leia is Darth Vader’s Daughter.

I’m sort of curious if it’s more a reality check than an actual policy.
A lot of QA seem to believe that it’s a “foot in the door” for something more... and at one time it may have been. That time, however, has long since passed. I can count on one hand the number of devs I know that successfully transitioned from QA.

I *really* don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for people who are willing to work for substandard pay for the glory of working at (insert some famous company) and then complain about the pay. They are precisely the reason WHY said companies (can) pay less.

There’s a difference.
With a dance in Fortnite, if you want your character to dance, you’ve got to buy the dance.

The problem with greater fool theory investments is, of course, sometimes you turn out to be the greatest fool.

Earth is flat...

Torn between....


Not really. A single person paying more to create profit for the previous person is greater fool theory. a.k.a. pretty much every collectible “investment”. Pyramid scheme a multiple of people paying the same amount to create profit for the previous (people)


But hey... since it’s on the block chain, you still own all that shit in spite of the servers shutting down....

I generally had a rule in single player games. (Note: I play mainly RPG’s) If there was a way to get unlimited X that simply cost player time, then I had no qualms of hacking the save file to give me however much X I needed.

Whether that was gold, experience, specific items, whatever.  I’ve got better things to do with

His point wasn’t that the college did anything wrong, but rather that students at these colleges typically don’t subscribe to the same ideology.

Which, I’m not sure a single anecdotal student example really proves the argument.

Of course, just because someone is tweeting jokes doesn’t mean the rest of the team is doing nothing, but this is the internet and some gamers are just unable to get the idea that different people at studios have different jobs.

Don’t remember the exact terminology, but it’s basically a violation of the Geneva convention (e.g. a war crime) to parade around P.O.W.’s/etc. So the website “find your son” stuff showing pictures of Slain/P.O.W.’s is sketch, as that’s basically the technological equivalent of parading them around.

I was thinking much the same about the various somewhat sketchy/perhaps war crime ways Ukraine was going about attempting to ID the Russians, so googled it.