
two months severance pay

When it comes to game development, kickstarter is literally paying devs to stall as long as humanly possible on releasing the game. The more they manage to stall, the more they get paid without having to come up with a new idea for a game.

a rudimentary civics lesson would show that the U.S. Constitution is amendable, and the small minority of people who think otherwise are ideologically driven to think that way.

I realize it isn’t really your quote but...

So you and the left wing media want to believe in order to make what happened fit the narrative that the “protestor” that attacked him was somehow a victim.

You’re absolutely right. If the rioters hadn’t been burning shit down, and if Rosenbaum hadn’t attacked Rittenhouse, this whole thing would have been avoided.

Or hire more cops?

Punitive damages in wrongful death suits aren’t allowed in WI, only compensatory. And with both victims having significant rap sheets, along with existing pending charges, (and as far as I can tell from google search, no jobs) those compensatory damages aren’t likely to amount to much.

Think I mentioned this in response to one of your other posts, but...

Not any real solace, I know, but in the oncoming civil cases Rittenhouse is going to get destroyed and likely financially destitute for the rest of his life.

Then an unknown person shot their gun into the air right at the edge of the video

This trial basically makes vigilantism legal

Libs and blacks can arm themselves, go to maga rallies and after being threatened attacked can just shoot people defend themselves.

Not if the law doesn’t require the teenager to actually be hunting.

Hopefully between the Feds and the Wrongful Death Lawsuits that are coming his way, the whiny baby will be spending the better part of the next 5 years sitting in court or depositions.

True. But since both of the deceased are domestic abusers who were in no way supporting their victims*, and Wisconsin doesn’t allow punitive damages for wrongful death lawsuits, it may be a tad hard for anybody other than Rittenhouse to demonstrate compensatory damages based on the events of that night.

That is what it seems they are REALLY upset about. The fact that people violently attacked for having opposing beliefs are legally allowed to defend themselves and don’t have to just stand there and and get killed.

4. Breaking the law to do something “right”

The police explorer thing was in Grayslake, in Illinois.

They had no idea he had shot anybody. (or that anybody had been shot, for that matter)