
4. Are you arguing that armed white men should not be considered a threat and as such anyone disarming them should be allowed to be murdered by said gun toter? If not, it doesn’t apply.

None if terrorist boy’s murder victims were doing anything that could be considered “rioting”. They were trying to stop terrorist boy from murdering people.

Sure. You just have to somehow trick them into attacking you first. And if you REALLY want to ensure your self defense claim, make sure to somehow get them to threaten to kill before that.

He took a gun to a protest with the absolute intention of stirring up shit at a BLM protest

As I’ve pointed out elsewhere, you’re completely wrong on your first point.

You’re going to have armed vigilantes swarming every protest they can find, looking for someone to make them feel threatened. in imminent threat of death/great bodily harm.

Playing Vigilante isn’t a crime. It’s just very hard to (effectively) do without breaking actual laws that you be charged with. So, uhm... Try again why he didn’t have a right to claim self defense?

Plus the complete failure to even enter a charge of vigilantism, which would have been DEAD easy to prove and thus taken “self defense” off the table as a claim;

Basically white men have been given the right that if thye do not like you or your political beliefs they have now been given the right to end your life

They are basically saying that white men can holster up with visible weaponry and you’re not allowed to see them as a threat and treat them accordingly.

The judge handed this murdering fuck a get out of jail free card weeks ago when he ruled the prosecution couldn’t use the word ‘victim’.

I understand proportional force. I also understand that a guy screaming I’m gonna kill you is easily capable of doing so even if he doesn’t have a gun. The whole “He was grabbing my gun” is theater just to hammer the point home.

He was carrying his weapon in the sword equivalent of sheathed.

Only if they actually attack you first. But I’m sure you know that, you’re just pretending you don’t.

No.  Prosecution can’t appeal in the U.S.  Only the defense can.  And appealing a “Not Guilty” would be dumb.

Uhm... Uh... did you WATCH the video? ‘Cause person with gun running away from person chasing him voicing clear intent (based on all the witness testimony) to do harm to person with gun who only turns around to use the gun to defend himself when it becomes clear he can’t get away is pretty much THE definition of legal

There’s a significant difference between “being afraid” and “Being chased down by an angry dude who has already threatened to kill you and is reaching for your weapon”. The former only gives you the right to remove yourself from the situation. The latter, however, has ALWAYS meant you can defend yourself.

Nobody got the “Death penalty”. One person with mental problems decided to attack somebody else at the urging of somebody who (apparently?) had no mental issues. Self defense ensued. The only person arguably “trying to solve problems by shooting at each other in the street” is the person that initiated the attack.

He brought a loaded weapon to a protest and paraded around with it for all to see. That an act of agression.

Never.  There’s no such thing as prosecution filing an appeal.