
The question would be how he got from the Florida park where they recovered his car to Appalachia (or wherever) without, apparently, anybody seeing him.

I’ve heard it’s a real gas.

Well, there goes pretty much any possibility of self defense/accident/suicide.

The likelyhood of people thinking “Oh, everybody is vaxed, I/we no longer need to mask/distance” is one of the reasons (that and Darwinism) I’m anti-mandate.  Vaccinate to protect yourself, wear a mask to protect everybody else.

(in fact, I’m finding that particularly questionable if the guy is a paraplegic and can’t just get in and out of that car at will)

People keep glossing over this, but 17 is legal in the U.K. So the real question is why would anybody think the met WOULD do something. She was legally able to consent (in the U.K.), so they wouldn’t just have to prove they had sex, but that he actually forced himself on her. And AFAIK there’s never been any evidence

They think they are. (Heck, quick google search, it’s literally the wikipedia definition of reverse racism.)

Racist people don’t need the news to tell them they’re racist.

It’s not just that. My understanding is the Bible specifically says god will bless every country that helps his people, and curse every country that hurts them. So assisting Israel is hedging ones bets in enlightened self interest. If god exists, great. Blessed. If god doesn’t, well. Still have a trading partner/ally/d

The women, As far as I can tell, aren’t police. They were working at the resort in some capacity.

I don’t even know what white discrimination is

It’s almost like the officers had other things to do and didn’t want to deal with this non-compliant idiot for longer than necessary. The “Boss” is just gonna wonder why he’s being bothered and tell the officers to go ahead and remove him.

If you can build tanks, you can also build drones. And one of those two has a longer life ahead of it.

More likely they’d min/max their way into ending up slave owners.

I’m anti-mandate because I’m pro-darwinism.

History has plenty of nations and cultures that achieved prominence through scientific and diplomatic ascendancy. More often than not nations rose to prominence through scientific and diplomatic means.

Except it’s possible for both people to have a reasonable belief the other person is the aggressor and they are in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm from that person. Because humans aren’t psychic. Some minor accident occurs, Person A doesn’t know Person B is swearing up a storm because of what somebody

1. I’m surprised no charges were filed

No Iceburg?

IIRC one of the primary concerns about Q-Tip in the ear is that you’re likely to just push the wax in further & compact it, resulting in a bigger problem even if you don’t directly damage the eardrum.