
It’s also unclear, without knowing how those surveyed were chosen, whether that 44% can realistically be extrapolated to the rest of the employees. Was this survey random sampling? Companywide e-mail asking for volunteers? Conducted among those wanting to Unionize? QA department? List of those who’ve complained to HR?

Huh. I always assumed, (due to the whole tied up/arrow attack thing) that the “story” was that Custer & Maiden were having an affair. Indian tribe found out & tied her up to use as bait to kill/catch Custer. Custer rescues her in face of attacks from the tribe, getting his revenge on the rest of the tribe by rescuing

To be fair, I expect a good chunk of the pro-life crowd would happily pass a bill mandating sterilization for everybody who can’t afford to have kids if they thought they could get away with it. Heck, I think they tried it in the early 1900's.

  1. Just a bit under half the population thinks that abortion is wrong. 


“I looked at it, I read it, then I kind of chuckled and said it wasn’t worth the paper it was written on,” he explained. As a result, he instead gave Kelly his word and vowed not to ever speak of the day and declined monetary compensation for his time.

I vaguely seem to remember that said Democratic Senators, or at least Manchin, is also anti-abortion. So seems unlikely this is going to be the issue that ends the filibuster.  By many folks reckoning, there aren’t enough votes in the Senate even if the filibuster was gone.

No, it’s an attack on “legacy news” in which the “legacy news” representative happened to be black. There is ZERO evidence the attack had anything to do with the race of the reporter, but the assailants shouting “report it accurately” over and over is crystal clear evidence of a “legacy news” motive.

That wouldn’t really explain him shouting “Report it accurately” over and over.

for the laws obvious unconstitutionality

As far as I can tell he’s reporting *after* the hurricane passed through, he doesn’t appear to be in any danger whatsoever.

I’m guessing it was more the “MSNBC” on the side of the camera indicating this was a liar from the “legacy media” at work. (I think that’s the correct RWNJ term for news other than Fox and Newsmax and Epoch Times?)

I’m impressed, somebody coming up about “reporting it accurately” when I’m talking about a fracking Hurricane I’m not sure I could resist talking about how it has been raining lollipops and gumdrops, and all the kids have gotten diabetes from all the sugar.

You’re assuming they can. From my limited understanding, the drug itself directly neutralizes the virus in in vitro tests*, and thus doesn’t rely on an immune response, so this could theoretically be a level of protection for those with compromised immune systems. (Which, sure, probably isn’t the horde of people

This would remove the threat to people who cannot get vaccinated (compromised immune systems, young children) and mean the virus no long has safe harbor to mutate among the unvaccinated.

You’re comparing apples and oranges.

In some defense, it looks like the footage is out of order based on the position of the semi. The last footage where he’s shooing her away comes first, the footage where she has, in fact, stopped leaving the park and is taking her phone out and the officer begins to employ force comes last.

In some defense, Assuming you’re referring to Ivermectin, there ARE dosages FDA approved for Humans (for non COVID uses), and there ARE studies that show a benefit both as prophylactic and as treatment. (Also, studies that show the opposite, at least for treatment, Only prophylactic studies I found were referenced in h

This. So. Much. This. NO needs to just move however many miles inland. The idea of an entire coastal city essentially blow sea level in the middle of Hurricane Alley is just dumb. It’s like a Darwin test that they’re all group failing. As you say.  No new development, no rebuilding in place.

You may as well just go full Darwinian and say Whelp, if you can’t afford to feed your kids then they die, and that’s improving the Human Race by Natural Selection.