
Medical information is generally private. The press only knows he got the one shot because it was a public event. Barring information from the family, there is no way to know whether or not he got the second, so I wouldn’t read THAT much into it...

Well, one of us must have missed a few classes, because last I read, rent (or all business transactions) aren’t usually across state/national/tribal lines. so the commerce clause usually doesn’t apply.

There are/were, just very few of those funds (11%, from quick google search) have actually made it into the proper hands. One of the points some of the Republicans have made in response to extending the moratorium.

The House is literally too evenly matched between the parties to pass a usable bill

In some attempt at fairness, she wasn’t really tasked with the border per se, but the whole Central American mess...

Why did anyone give AF if Harris made the visit and not Biden

Not sure how involved in the Kelly’s private life his “Studio Manager” would be. Particularly one whose only getting paid $1500 a week. (Elsewhere it mentions that the $1500 fine was a weeks pay for him). He clearly wasn’t anywhere near the top of the food chain, and probably did just run the studio.  Certainly not a

From what I remember, there wasn’t even proposed legislation to give CDC the power (or to enact a moratorium themselves) for Republicans to go even sort of on record saying they aren’t in favor of it. I don’t believe it ever even made it out of internal Democrat discussions.

I’ll admit I’m not a student of the Supreme Court, but I’m curious if the dissenters would have kept the same opinion if their view had been the Majority.

Harassment is illegal. Doesn’t matter that he wasn’t arrested for it.

While you may want that to be true in this case because the guys an idiot who we all disagree with, the law would apply equally to angry people shouting where you most certainly would NOT want that to be true, and, thankfully, that isn’t how it works. He may not have been a “passive victim”, but she was still the

Which is still a crime. (Though assault & battery are typically lumped into the same charge of Assault) So I’m not entirely sure of the distinction you’re trying to make here. She still, by all accounts, attempted to initiate physical contact first, which, absent any obvious threat, is a crime. Full stop. And he

Well, they did say:

No. He’d been harassing students for several days.

Yeah no. An aggressive adult male, on a school campus, filming literal children while shouting is not a passive victim, he’s the aggressor.

Unlikely. Both the witness statement and video seem to suggest she may have legally been the aggressor in spite of the guy being arrested.


Since African Americans are 12.9 percent of the state’s population and 7.9 percent of vaccinations, Patrick knows Black Texans are more vaccinated than white Texans


The trick is to tell the underling “Could you go ahead and shred all the files on my desk”.