
I realize it’s OT, but I always find it curious that people seem to think that Strikes against X/Y/Z are somehow more reprehensible when the pilot happens to not be physically in the plane. Is there some sort of, “well, if the pilot is in the plane at least the X/Y/Z have a chance of killing one of ours”?

as the NFL has informed teams that should unvaccinated players trigger COVID-19 outbreaks among their teammates and team personnel

To be fair, even absolute vaccination numbers isn’t really terribly important, as they can fail to take into account population density, exposure risk, etc.

Uhm... I’d be inclined to argue the very act of returning with police constitutes threatening.

Be nice if governments would actually pass legislation making this kind of cheat software illegal, instead of devs having to somehow go after the cheat makers for copyright and other “not really what they did wrong” stuff.

Not entirely sure it’s apples to apples. At least in the MMO I worked on, clients weren’t sent info about players too far away/stealthed, but we didn’t do jack to do any sort of terrain/building line of sight checks server side to determine what “other player” data was sent... that said, it wouldn’t really have been

Actually, the vaccine is designed to teach the body to create antibodies to fight the disease. Ideally preventing infection, worst case simply reducing the severity.

People in Afghanistan are so scared of what is about to happen that they are clinging to the outside of airplanes and falling to their deaths trying to escape.

Well, that’s not good. The last thing the African American community needs in terms of vaccine acceptance rates is for a prominent African American to be hospitalized in spite of being fully vaccinated.  Really wish they’d throw a whole bunch of “Abundance of caution due to his recent health issues” disclaimers...

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the author of this article neglected to mention that if he *had* bought the books directly from the publisher on the cheap it would be impermissible to sell them, as that IS fairly standard, as that WOULD be essentially taking money out of the publishers pocket. (Author getting FAR

Irony is fun? State of the art with advanced safety features top of line “unsinkable” ship doesn’t even survive it’s first trip, taken out by an Iceberg.  Not even like heavy storms.

Huh.  *quick google search* the 4th smoke stack really WAS fake, that wasn’t just a bug.

Which sorta tells you something about the.. apparently not “shithole”... places they come from.

was sentenced Thursday to 25 years in federal prison on two hate crime charges

Ok, so little more info, when the first child was taken (Allegedly because they refused a B12 shot that “was a matter of life or death” that the mother insists wasn’t ever refused, nor was the kid ever on the verge of death) they were ordered to file paperwork if they had another child.

So, uhm...

They’re stronger believers in Darwinism than in staying in Power?

Last I checked the Delta strain happened in India, so blaming Republicans for it is a bit of a stretch.

In a way, she’s not wrong. For a good while before the mask mandates went back up people who were vaccinated stopped taking precautions (e.g. masks) and thus WERE rampantly spreading the Delta variant. (Many documented cases of such.) Which is precisely why the mask mandates are back... and there are likely STILL

Not precisely. Their (well, the leaderships) position is that people shouldn’t be forced to get vaccinated. Most of them (again, the leadership) ARE vaccinated.