
It actually appears to play out in Texas too. The numbers he cites don’t support his conclusion.

Since African Americans are 12.9 percent of the state’s population and 7.9 percent of vaccinations, Patrick knows Black Texans are more vaccinated than white Texans

The real trick would be having him flirt with some random girl 5 times then successfully try for baby.


So... I assume he was locked in a room full of turned on ovens and flammable furniture until something caught fire and he died?

Seems to me that explanation only works is if it’s, for some reason, trying to get 100 triangles away in the shortest amount of distance, and not simply 100 triangles away.

Unfortunately, we cannot require that teachers be vaccinated.

Racist, or hates everyone and uses whatever words she thinks will hurt most?

And it being asymptomatic is just reinforcing his argument about why you don’t need a mask mandate.


Agreed. Sued into oblivion is a legitimate possibility for breaking an NDA.

I think the poster you’re replying to is saying that as an NDA they aren’t supposed to say ANYTHING about the game, not *just* they aren’t supposed to say bad things.

Uhm, it clearly isn’t a “Please test our game, and tell people how great it is.”. It’s explicitly “keep your mouth shut and don’t say a darn thing about the game”. technical test.

Unless Brazils legal system works differently than most others, “Arrest” doesn’t mean guilty any more than allegations do. (In fact, quick google search indicates Brazil also operates under the “innocent until proven guilty paradigm”) Ban when somebody is actually found guilty, unless Twitch itself has done it’s own

I kinda wonder when that definition of “predated” got added, feels like some sort of modern slang of people trying to shoehorn predator into a past tense verb instead of just usingpreyed on”.

[One] squad member made the classic ‘joke,’ ‘I identify as an attack helicopter,’

You’re right. I had assumed based on the phrasing that the Fulton county in question happened to be a Texas county in which her home was located.

Except she DIDN’T claim the exemption in the year in question, which would presumably indicate she moved her primary residence back. (legally, speaking)

Because, as near as I can tell from this story, she crossed her T’s and dotted all her i’s.

Assuming he still remembered they existed when he reached the point in his thinking when he disagreed with them. “Come to Jesus moments” are rare, evolution typically takes time.